Lewis Thomas, inAuthors at Sea, 1997 Synonyms beat measure meter rhythm See all Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus Examples ofcadencein a Sentence the steadycadenceof the drumsOars moved back and forth in smoothcadence.He speaks with a soft Southerncadence. ...
The meaning of CADENCE is the beat, time, or measure of rhythmical motion or activity. How to use cadence in a sentence. Cadence and Music Cadence in the Military
The same can be said for the word " like , " when used in a grammatically superfluous way or to add cadence to a sentence . 同样情况发生在“like”(好像)这个词,这里是指当它在语法上多余,或者是为了给句子增加韵律感的用法。 In fact , sewing the binding is my favorite part of a book '...
One thing that I have come into contact with recently is the notion that the US defense establishment does not believe that the US commercial establishment builds a billion transistors SoCs, and they work. I put "establishment" in the last sentence since there is not really any such thing as...
I was struck by the melody which is almost circular – each verse like a complete thought or sentence – and to you musicians out there – returning to the one cord before you would expect – giving it that “old” feel naturally.Grandma’s Songis more of a traditional Pop! ballad writt...
Summary A one-sentence summary of the symposium has to be: Despite short-term volatility, the semiconductor market is growing exponentially long term, and TSMC is ready. Sign up for Sunday Brunch, the weekly Breakfast Bytes email. .
As I said above, “If you are not communicating with the people on your listregularly, they will forget you.” Note that I said “regularly” in that sentence. Your email communications should have a cadence – once a week ideally, every two weeks is okay. More often if you have a hi...
Stop statusing and start standupping with the only two questions that have any business being asked in your daily standup. Take back your team’s time and its sanity—and more importantly, put the standup to work helping you deliver!
NRE: NRE stands for Non-Recurring Engineering costs. As you can imagine, with the words recurring and costs, in the same sentence, every business is concerned when they hear those two words. So, it is safe to say that this is an essential deciding factor. Moreover, in the ...
The crawl in that sentence is the singles model—releasing music frequently and building your monthly listeners to create a singles pool. It’s one song at a time, which should be simple enough, but I’ve consistently seen artists try to run before they’re able to deliver on a consistent...