Action: setup, }) } 可以知道,该插件 注册的 是 http 服务器,名字叫 grpc setup func 然后我们看到最重要的 setup 函数,刚才提到的使用方法中,负责分析 caddyfile 中的选项的正是它。它也会将分析到的 directive 交由 Caddy 的 controller 来配置自己这个插件 // setup configures a new server middleware i...
反向代理 & 负载均衡: ✅ Reverse Proxy: Web Server Proxy - Nginx vs Caddy vs Traefik #31 域名解析: ✅ Domain: DNS Management #333 ✅ Domain+DNS: Subdomain setup #409 : 二级域名解析 & 配置. 域名购买: ✅ Namecheap: use crypto coin buy domains #293 Owner...
三、配置caddy,配置文件在/etc/caddy/Caddyfile里 假设域名是code.test.dev直接A记录指向服务器ip,由于test.dev域名只能解析https,这里配置caddy监听在443端口,reverse_proxy指定方向代理,代理到localhost:8080{ root* /usr/share/caddy reverse_proxy localhost:8080} 四、启动caddy并加入开机自启...
"I've been running my blog (powered by @Ghost) behind @caddyserver since last summer -- pretty happy with the setup. Caddy is so cool!" Diwaker Gupta "I've been using caddy for a few years. It's so easy. Most times I'm just using it as a reverse proxy. So simple to get st...
So, with this setup, requests to my sites are routed through two Caddy instances. With Caddy 2.6, the traffic between the client device and the public Caddy instance can use HTTP/3, but the traffic between the public Caddy instance and the private one cannot, since reverse_proxy does not ...
reverse_proxy:反代后端节点,将的流量请求转发到 localhost:8080 当然 这只是个例子 安全头 为了增强一下安全性,可以配置一下 HTTP 响应头,防止常见攻击。 header{# 启用 HSTS,确保所有的请求都通过https进行Strict-Transport-Security"max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"# 设置 CSP ...
reverse_proxy:反代后端节点,将的流量请求转发到 localhost:8080 当然 这只是个例子 安全头 为了增强一下安全性,可以配置一下 HTTP 响应头,防止常见攻击。 header{# 启用 HSTS,确保所有的请求都通过https进行Strict-Transport-Security"max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"# 设置 CSP 防止...
reverse_proxy <NextcloudIP>:80 } I did setup my Port Forwarding and tested with another self hosted website with success. My problem seems to come only when trying to reverse proxy nextcloud. Looking forward to any/all help! Thank you, ...
reverse_proxy /api localhost:8080 } :80 { redir https://{host}{uri} 301 } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 3. 启动和设置开机启动Caddy 以服务模式运行Caddy,并设置为开机启动: # 安装完后直接运行(非服务模式)
I have installed nextcloud AIO following the readMe on github, instructions for portainer and using behind proxy setup. i have enabled the option to skip domain validation. Was able to setup the initial steps using myIP:8680 (8080) and submitted my domain. I got the pass...