Lucas BarrosoBARROSO, L. A.; ALENCAR, G. V. O Cadastro Ambiental Rural (CAR) como instrumento de regularizacao ambiental em assentamentos de reforma agraria. Revista Brasileira de Gestao Ambiental e Sustentabilidade, v. 1, n. 1, p. 5-13, 2014....
With the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) there is a need for the execution of quality cartographic products for an adequate cadastre, but there is no legal provision in the legislation for a qualified professional to perform the service, and there is still the possibility ...
This statute has consolidated existing institutes, such as the Rural Environmental Registry and created the Environmental Regularization Program, which should be established by the states. The objective of this work, with bibliographic methodology and hypothetical-deductive method, is the study of these ...
Cadastro ambiental rural e avaliao comparativa entre o antigo e atual código forestal federal em um imóveldoi:10.5902/2179460X22711This study aimed to carry out the rural environmental registration and benchmarking between Law No. 4771 of October 15, 1965 (old Forest Code)...
A search was also carried out on the SciELO website, for articles relevant to the theme of this study, from 2012 to 2018, using the keywords "Cadastro Ambiental Rural", "Cota de Reserva Ambiental", "Sustentabilidade Rural no Brasil" and "Georreferenciamento Rural...
CONSEQUNCIA CAPITALISTA NA FORMULAO DA PAISAGEM - O NORTE DO PARAN ANALISADO A PARTIR DO CADASTRO AMBIENTAL RURALdoi:10.33026/peg.v22i2.8470The Brazilian Forest Code (FC) regulates the Permanent Preservation areas (PP) and the Legal Reserve areas (LR). The latter aims to...