Social CognitionSUMMARY The contents of scanned and vectorized cadastral plans have to be transferred to a modern reference frame often. Knowing that the situation within existing reference frames and networks are not homogenous a one - step transformation leads seldom to acceptable results. Regional ...
We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that you’ve provided to them or...
Beyond BIM data, even the architectural floor plans may not be available (e.g., for old constructions where the documents that accompany the building permits may have been destroyed or lost, or simply do not exist for the self-made informal constructions) and the creation of such plans using...
The comparison was conducted based on the production process parameters, taking into account the social aspect of this process, too. The study established the following research hypotheses: (1) the election of the method of performing the cadastral data modernization process to consider effectiveness,...
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We do not recommend utilizing special management measures for Category 4 of the DSUs, as they are part of suburban structures and do not have the typical elements of the landscape archetype of dispersed settlements. The results of the social survey should be included in the management plan ...
If regulatory constraints are adjusted to respond better to actual social needs, UAVs may find use in a greater number of industries [5]. Studies were already published regarding applications of UAV-collected data in areas such as forestry and agriculture. Guerra-Hernández et al. [6] tested ...