CAD106 is a vaccine being developed by Novartis and in clinical testing to potentially treat Alzheimer’s disease, or prevent it from developing, by attacking beta-amyloid plaque deposits in the brain.
Alzheimer’s & Dementia - BG, Minthon, et al. () Citation Context ...under study include CAD106 (Novartis, Inc.), V950 (Merck & Co.), and AD02 (AFFiRiS AG/ GlaxoSmithKline plc). 4.2.1. CAD106. CAD106 is composed of the beta-amyloid1−6 peptide coupled with a Qβ carrier ...
英文名Tianjin Yezhifeng Novartis Decoration Co., Ltd. Seventh Branch(自动翻译) 营业场所天津市武清区东蒲洼街前进道1266号1-002附近企业 经营范围室内外装饰设计、施工,建材、装饰材料、金属材料、家具、日用百货、五金交电、机械设备、电子产品、办公用品、计算机软硬件及外围设备、工艺品、汽车配件批发兼零售,商...
Novartis Pharma AG. Copyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(12)70140-0Prof Bengt Winblad MD aNiels Andreasen MD aProf Lennart Minthon MD bAnnette Floesser MSc cGeorges Imbert PhD cThomas Dumortier MSc d...
tolerability and immunogenicity of the Aβ immunotherapeutic vaccine CAD106 in a first-in-man study in Alzheimer patients - Winblad, “Safety - 2008 () Citation Context ...under study include CAD106 (Novartis, Inc.), V950 (Merck & Co.), and AD02 (AFFiRiS AG/ GlaxoSmithKline plc). 4.2...