Autodesk 3D Studio (3DS), SketchUp (skp), Wavefront OBJ (obj), VRML (wrl, vrml), CGR, Collada (dae), 3D PDF (pdf, prc, u3d) Neutral & Other formats: STEP(stp, step),IGES(igs, iges), STL, CATIA V4 (model, dlv, exp, session), CADDS (_pd), I-DEAS (arc, unv, mf1, pr...
View 3D models from popular formats on Desktop, Browser, iOS and Android devices with single account. View Popular 3D and CAD Formats View files from popular 3D and CAD formats including CATIA, SolidWorks, SketchUp, 3DS, OBJ, Pro/ENGINEER, Creo, STEP, IGES and more. Query...
Trimble Sketchup skp x IGES igs iges x Step stp step x STL Stereo Litographics stl x OBJ WaveFront obj x XGL xgl x In the table,embeddedmeans that the file format has a previewing image inside andcomputedmeans that Clari3D Preview is able to compute the preview by itself. For some file...
vendor integrations, and for re-purposing Creo assembly data into all major 3D downstream3D file formatssuch asCOLLADA,DirectX,DGN,DXF/DWG,FBX,HOOPS/DWF-3D,JT Open,NGRAIN,OpenFlight, OSG/IVE,PLY,Rhino/OpenNURBS,SketchUp,U3D(Acrobat-3D, 3D PDF),VRML1+2+X3D,Wavefront OBJ,XAML-3D, andXGL....
许多在线转换工具可以将CAD文件转换为PDF,例如Zamzar、Online2PDF、Convertio等。你只需上传CAD文件,选择PDF作为输出格式,然后下载转换后的文件即可。6. 其他CAD软件:除了AutoCAD之外,许多其他CAD软件也具有将文件导出为PDF的功能,例如SolidWorks、SketchUp等。你可以在这些软件中打开CAD文件,然后选择导出为PDF格式。
Major Benefits of the Autodesk Inventor Converter to Okino Customers Import complete assemblies (including assembly cuts and patterned geometry, as well as multiple sub-assemblies) from a live running copy of Autodesk Inventor, or from native Autodesk Inventor .iam and .ipt files on disk (no lo...
Overlay DWG drawing entities on top of public satellite imagery provided by Open Street Map, Map Quest, Open Aerial, or any user defined WMS / WTS base layers. Autoconverter Import, export, and convert many 3D mesh and solid file formats including STL (Stereo-Lithography), SKP (SketchUp), ...
We’ve put together a list of 13 websites that offerfree CAD blocksso you don’t have to fork out a single penny! Our options span popular CAD software such asAutoCADandSketchUp, and fields including architecture and interior design. With such choice on offer, you’re sure to find somethi...
您需要登录才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?立即加入SketchUp吧!x 除教育软件不能解决的 也能轻松干掉哦...
You can look for free models by filtering search results, or go to the bottom of the page and click the “Top Free Assets” button. Visit: Unity Asset Store SketchUP 3D Warehouse – Free 3D models Average Monthly Traffic: 7,020,000 This site is an online warehouse that acts as a ...