Quantitative assessment was used to define progression of CAD as:Thus: (1) Progression of CAD during the first 6 months after surgery is fast and the extent of CAD before surgery, quality of the distal bed, and patency of the graft determine progression of CAD after surgery....
Outcome of coronary bypass surgery versus coronary angioplasty in diabetic patients with multivessel coronary artery disease. OBJECTIVES: This study sought to compare the outcome of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) (n = 834) and coronary artery bypass graft su... WS Weintraub,B ...
A complex and changing disease state requiring wide expertise,stable CADcan involve a diverse range of underlying chronic or evolutionary stages involving full use of all available tools, devices and techniques like those for invasive imaging and functional assessment. Taking into account underlying comor...
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CONCLUSIONS The benefits of coronary artery bypass surgery on survival, symptoms, and postinfarction mortality were transient and lasted fewer than 11 years. The benefits began to diminish after 5 years, when graft closure accelerated. Surgery was effective in reducing mortality only for patients with...
Objective: To determine whether the introduction of a pre-printed Intensive Care Unit (ICU) drug chart after coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) surgery was associated with an improvement in the rates of prescription of secondary prevention medicines at hospital discharge. Design: Retrospective...
Minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass and transmyocardial laser revascularization are examples of "beating heart" surgery which embrace new medical concepts, and the philosophy that less invasive cardiac procedures (eg, smaller incisions, avoidance of cardio pulmonary bypass) can safely achieve...
The perfusion imaging, however, clearly defined persistent jeopardized viable myocardium involving the inferior wall as well as in the left anterior descending artery territory. This allowed the patient to have complete revascularization.doi:10.1016/S1071-3581(05)80084-4Duca MD...