(2011) Impact of mammographic breast density on computer-assisted detection (CAD) in a breast imaging department. Radiología (English Edition) 53 , 456-461 /Lopez, "Impact of mammographic breast density on computer-assisted detection (CAD) in a breast imaging department," Radiology (English ...
The ability to build patient-specific models based on medical imaging data offers major potential. In this work we report on the feasibility of employing laser scanning with CAD/techniques to aid in breast reconstruction. A patient was imaged with laser scanning, an economical and facile method ...
PURPOSE Presence of axillary lymph node metastases (LNM) is amongst the most powerful prognostic factors in breast cancer. Classification of LNM as present"or absent" is a common approach in clinical practice. Yet, recent publications recommend using the quantity of metastatic lymph nodes as a more...
Computer-aided detection (CAD) in mammography has been available for several years now, and unlike double reading, it has been reimbursable by Medicare since 2001. Yet many breast imaging radiologists have not embraced the technology in their facilities. Some are wary of increased false positives,...
Computer-aided detection (CAD) in screening mammography: sensitivity of commercial CAD systems for detecting architectural distortion. Computer-aided detection (CAD) algorithms have successfully revealed breast masses and microcalcifications on screening mammography. The purpose of our stu... JA Baker,EL ...
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Provoke discussion on two important topics in medical imaging today: quantitative imaging and CAD. Provide an understanding of image-derived metrics from the fields of quantitative imaging and CAD. Appreciate the insight from the panel members on the various aspects of quantitative ...
A computer-aided detection (CAD) system for computed radiography- (CR)-based mammography platforms was recently presented as a works-in-progress at the Breast Imaging Conference (BIC) in September 25, 2006, held in Las Vegas (NV, USA). The CAD system is expected to be introduced in 2007....
Rising Investments in Cancer Research Expands Market Horizons Growing Focus on Reducing Diagnostic Errors Spurs Adoption of CAD Systems Increasing Use of CAD in Breast Cancer Screening Sustains Market Growth Ris...
After cancer diagnosis, in a retrospective review held by the radiologist staff, 43 of these cancers were found to be visible on prior-year mammograms (false-negative cases); these breast cancer cases are the basis of this analysis. All cases had CAD evaluation available at the time of ...
Breast cancer is one of the common type of cancer in females across the world. An early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer may reduce the mortality rate to a great extent. To diagnose breast cancer, different types of imaging modalities are used to collect samples like mammography, ...