cad点库显示这个是..我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 根据您提供的信息,我理解您遇到的问题是CAD点库显示错误信息“err.file/notfound”。这个错误通常表示CAD软件无法找到所需的文件或
AutoCAD 20..AutoCAD产品中使用块库时显示“本地服务器正在加载”也有一种这样的情况我,以下三张图片是官网的给出的答案:是自己没有加载过任何块,显示:err_file_not_found.随便做一个,画一个球机
case Acad::eFileNotFound:lstrcpy(Glb_AcadErrorInfo,_T("未找到文件"));break; case Acad::eFilerError:lstrcpy(Glb_AcadErrorInfo,_T("文件错误"));break; case Acad::eFileSharingViolation:lstrcpy(Glb_AcadErrorInfo,_T("文件共享妨碍"));break; case Acad::eFileSystemErr:lstrcpy(Glb_AcadErrorInfo...
If you have found a bug or are requesting a new feature, please first check to see if it has been previously reported already on theLattice2 Github repo issue tracker. If not, feel free to open a ticket. If you have fixed a bug or implemented a new feature you think suits the workbe...
FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning('OpenSCAD executable not found\n') self.appendToolbar(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('Workbench','OpenSCADTools'),toolbarcommands) self.appendMenu('OpenSCAD',commands) self.appendToolbar(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('Workbech','OpenSCAD Part tools'),parttoolbarcommands)#self.appendMenu('OpenSC...
return nil, err case len(pvList) == 0: return nil, nil case len(pvList) > 1: klog.Errorf( "findPersistentVolumeByCSIDriverHandle: multiple PVs found for for volumeHandle:[%s] and CSI driver:[%s]", volumeHandle, driverName) return nil, fmt.Errorf("multiple PVs found") default: if...
print("Usage ", __file__, "<width> <height>", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]) Now the code can be run by typing these two lines (replace width and height with the desired values): ...
# 需要导入模块: import FreeCAD [as 别名]# 或者: from FreeCAD importopenDocument[as 别名]defload_file(self, doc, doc_file_id, path, gdoc=None):try: document = gdocorFreeCAD.openDocument(path.encode("utf-8"))exceptIOError: show_error("Can not load %s"% path, self.window)returnself....
步骤一:搭建一个本地Yum,将RHEL6光盘手动挂载到/media 命令操作如下所示: [root@localhost ~]# mo...
However, Dooku was not there, and they instead found Hardeen, who betrayed them and tried to rescue the Chancellor. Hardeen overpowered Bane and Eval in a fight. Bane and Eval were then arrested by Skywalker, Windu, and Hardeen, who was revealed to be Kenobi. Bane swore vengeance ...