5. Finally, some layers are hidden as shown in the figure below. CAD common shortcut commands: L—Line C—Circle REC—Rectangle O—Offset M—Move CO—Copy RO—Rotate T—Text TR—Trim PL—Polyline E—Erase MA—Match U—Undo P—Pan Z—Zoom MO—Properties LI—Area statistics S—Stretch ...
11、he shortcut commands defined by AutoCAD are saved in the ACAD.PGP file. ACAD.PGP is a plain text file that users can edit using the ASC II text editor (such as DOS under EDIT) or directly using notepad in the WINDOWS attachment. Users can add some shortcuts to the AutoCAD command...
shortcut key Shortcut key notes, shortcut keys, comments A, ARC (painted arc), IN, INTERSECT (intersection) AA AREA (measurement area) L LINE (draw line) AR ARRAY (array) LA LAYER (set up layer) ATT ATTDEF (define attribute) LE QLEADER (quick lead mark) ATE ATTEDIT (edit attribute)...
Autodesk's 3D design software gives you full access to the design history of a file, so you can see exactly who made what change and when. Autodesk 3D design software – create & collaborate with 3D print software and 3D modelling software ...
cad命令、快捷键大集合(CAD command, shortcut key collection)CAD orders, shortcuts big collection,.Txt first laugh because you met, the first cry is because you are not, the first smile, tears, because you can not have. CAD shortcuts list Creating a 3D array 3A Create 3D surface 3F Cre...
changes to your existing table. When you select a single cell as shown you can perform several functions including modifying the data, locking and unlocking, and insert blocks and fields. You can also access all the options by performing a right-click on the cell to bring up the shortcut ...
execute a series of commands with script files SCR SECTION: creates a face area SEC with a cut plane and an entity truncation SETVAR: lists the system variables and modifies the variable values SET SLICE: cut a set of entities with planes, SL S0CSNAP: Specifies that the cursor moves SN at...
1.变量 SHORTCUTMENU 等于0---[ENTER] 2.变量 SHORTCUTMENU 大于0---快捷菜单 3.或用于环境选项---使用者设定---快捷菜单开关设定 中间键 :Mbuttonpan=1(系统默认值) 压着不放并拖曳 实现平移 双击ZOOM ---E缩放成实际范围 [Shift]+压着不放并拖曳 作垂直或水平的实时平移 [Ctrl]+压着不放并拖曳...
Data shortcut related commands added. Digitally Signed. 1.136 Added Pipe Network Alignment command to the Gravity Pipe dropdown. Added the option to create offset profiles to the Street Profiles command. Added commands for Create Sheets and Create Plans ...