Hi, I got this error > nextflow run WarrenLab/minigraph-cactus-nf -profile lorencm --seqFile ../seqFile.txt --reference AU --binariesMode singularit cactus-minigraph: error: unrecognized arguments: --mgCores 13 Thank you in advance, Michal
泛基因组请问一下Minigraph-Cactus的脚本中提到了,所生成的三种文件,其中 clip graph: This is the default graph. Stretches of sequence >10kb that were not aligned to the underlying SV/minigraph are removed. "Dangling" nodes (ie that don't have an edge on each side) that aren't on the refere...
HPRC graphs can be downloaded from Consult the Data Portal for explanations of the different files: Variant calls ...
Here we present the Minigraph-Cactus pangenome pipeline, which creates pangenomes directly from whole-genome alignments, and demonstrate its ability to scale to 90 human haplotypes from the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium. The method builds graphs containing all forms of genetic variation while ...
Hello, I have been trying to genotype structural variants from a graph made with minigraph-cactus, by mapping short reads with vg giraffe, then using vg pack and vg call to get a vcf. This runs without error, but the output is sometimes ...