针对“cacheloader returned null for key”这个错误,我们可以从以下几个方面进行解答: 1. 错误发生的上下文 该错误通常发生在使用Guava Cache的LoadingCache时,特别是在配置了refreshAfterWrite功能后。LoadingCache通过CacheLoader来加载缓存中不存在的键所对应的值。如果在加载过程中,CacheLoader的load方法返回了null,并且...
CacheLoader returned null for key class cmd mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip
今天在使用guava cache的时候,报了如下错误: com.google.common.cache.CacheLoader$InvalidCacheLoadException: CacheLoader returned null for key 50816009. at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$Segment.getAndRecordStats(LocalCache.java:2346) at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$Segment.loadSync(LocalCache....
function - the function to be used for loading values; must never return null Returns: a cache loader that loads values by passing each key to function from @CheckReturnValue public static <V> CacheLoader<Object,V> from(Supplier<V> supplier) Returns a cache loader based on an existi...
Return the value associated with the specified key, or null if the key does not have an associated value in the underlying store. Specified by: loadin interfaceCacheLoader Parameters: oKey- key whose associated value is to be returned
constkey=this.getKeyForContainerCache(request,parsed); Expand All@@ -381,8 +375,16 @@ export class Loader extends EventEmitter implements ILoader { parsed.id, request, resolvedAsFluid); this.containers.set(key,containerP); container=awaitcontainerP; ...
* Returns the Bitmap for {@code key} if it exists in the cache. If a Bitmap was returned, it is moved to the head * of the queue. This returns null if a Bitmap is not cached. */ @Override public final Bitmap get(String key) { ...
Hey, is there any plan for releasing Cache implementation that would use Loader's loadAll()? It'd help me a lot with my use case, where I fetch data from HTTP endpoint which supports requests by many IDs. So for 100k objects in cache I c...
returnmCache.getBitmap(cacheKey)!=null; } 代码示例来源:origin: jiangqqlmj/FastDev4Android /** * Checks if the item is available in the cache. * * @param requestUrl The url of the remote image * @param maxWidth The maximum width of the returned image. ...