4.1 检查入参loader和executor不能为null 4.2 调用loader.load(), 根据key加载值,load方法需要我们自己实现 当调用LoadingCache的get方法时,如果缓存不存在对应key的记录,则CacheLoader的load方法会被自动调用从外存加载数据,load方法的返回值会作为key对应的value存储到LoadingCache中,并从get方法返回 4.3 reload方法,也是...
reloadCount.incrementAndGet(); returnFutures.immediateFuture(newObject()); } @Override publicMap<Object,Object>loadAll(Iterable<?extendsObject>keys) { loadAllCount.incrementAndGet(); returnImmutableMap.of(); } }; assertEquals(0,loadCount.get()); ...
Cache.invalidateAll(keys) 清除所有缓存项:Cache.invalidateAll() 移除监听器 通过CacheBuilder.removalListener(RemovalListener),你可以声明一个监听器,以便缓存项被移除时做一些额外操作。缓存项被移除时, RemovalListener会获取移除通知[RemovalNotification],其中包含移除原因[RemovalCause]、键和值。
线程安全:确保CacheLoader的load和reload方法是线程安全的,因为它们可能会被多个线程并发调用。 异常处理:在load和reload方法中处理可能的异常,以避免缓存处于不一致状态。 性能考虑:虽然异步重新加载可以提高响应性,但过多的异步任务可能会增加系统的负载。因此,需要合理设置缓存的容量和刷新策略。 缓存失效:如果缓存项在...
Returns a CacheLoader which wraps loader, executing calls to reload(K, V) using executor. static <K,V>CacheLoader<K,V>from(Function<K,V> function) Returns a cache loader that uses function to load keys, without supporting either reloading or bulk loading. static <V> Cache...
collect all cache entries eligible to refresh and load them via singleloadAllmethod A nice to have feature would be an option about the size of the batch OR time limit eg.: the batch size is 1.000, but after 2 minutes there're only 512 keys eligible to load so the cache loads all th...
from(this::loadColumns), executor)); } 代码示例来源:origin: google/guava public void testMaximumWeight_withWeigher() { CacheBuilder<Object, Object> builder = CacheBuilder.from(parse("maximumWeight=9000")); builder.weigher(constantWeigher(42)).build(CacheLoader.from(Suppliers.ofInstance(null))); ...
Is it through loadAllKeys first, and then determining >> which keys are local? >> Or do you mean it preloads locally from a non-shared cache store? What >> if the cache store is shared? > > the behaviour is the same for non-shared/shared caches. Each node loads > all the data ...
示例1: load voidCachedResource::load(CachedResourceLoader& cachedResourceLoader) {if(!cachedResourceLoader.frame()) { RELEASE_LOG_IF_ALLOWED("load: No associated frame"); failBeforeStarting();return; } Frame& frame = *cachedResourceLoader.frame();// Prevent new loads if we are in the Page...