A cached page is a version of a web page that has been saved by Google on their servers the last time they visited it.
“We recommend a minimum cache time of one week and preferably up to one year for static assets.” Google Page speed and Core Web Vitals are critical to SEO. With page caching, you can improve your page speed by delivering a cached version of your site vs. requiring the browser to dow...
To view the cached version of a website, you have two options. You can use the Google search engine or Wayback Machine. If you use the first method, you need to use a search term like this: keyword site:websiteURL. However, for the second method, you need to open the respective we...
Google compares the cached version of the page with the live version that is available on the actual website. Before doing so, Google requires users to type a word that is present in the cached version, but that is not present on the actual page on the server. To find...
What if You Can’t View the Cached Version? In some situations, you can’t find the cached version of the website. This happens when the administrator modifiesrobots.txt fileto prevent the caching process. People may do this if they don’t want the content retained elsewhere. There’s act...