我查了TMS320C6000 Chip Support Library API Reference Guide (Rev. J).pdf,里头关于这个API函数的介绍,但是This function issues an L2 block writeback and invalidate command to the cache controller.这句话还是没能理解透。请问这是个什么操作过程呢?这个L2 block写回是什么意思呢?是写回L2,还是从L2提...
We have a 1.5TB SSD write-through cache-pool caching for a ~65TB HDD LV on our production system several years ago, and the most disturbing issue of lvmcache is that, after rebooting all chunks (~25 million) in cache-pool become dirty (although theoretically this should not happen with ...
【转】BUFFER CACHE WAIT EVENTS 文章转自:http://oracleinaction.com/buffer-cache-wait-events/ 刷新页面返回顶部 登录后才能查看或发表评论,立即登录或者逛逛博客园首页
The irradiance cache (IC) is an acceleration data structure which caches indirect diffuse irradiance values within the context of a ray tracing algorithm. In multi-threaded shared memory parallel systems the IC must be shared among rendering threads in order to achieve high efficiency levels. Since...
upstream-cache cache-size wait-time 命令功能 upstream-cache cache-size wait-time命令用来配置设备上行缓冲区的大小以及设备尝试向AgileConnect发送缓冲数据的间隔。 缺省情况下,上行缓冲区大小为256kB,设备尝试向AgileConnect发送缓冲数据的发送间隔为10ms。
图解Oracle RAC全局缓存等待事件Global Cache Wait Events [gallery orderby="title"] 本文转自maclean_007 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/maclean/1278287文章标签: 关系型数据库 Oracle 缓存 关键词: Oracle数据库一键上云rac 缓存cache 缓存事件 RAC oracle Oracle数据库一键上云等待事件 ...
cache show waitalloc 命令功能 cache show waitalloc命令用于查询cache等待分配的req数量。 命令格式 cache show waitalloc all 参数说明 参数 参数说明 取值 all 全部请求。 - 视图 诊断视图 使用指南 无。 使用实例 查看等待分配资源的请求。 admin:/diagnose>cache show waitalloc all waitalloc hang: --...
Cache utilisation is often very poor in multithreaded applications, due to the loss of data access locality incurred by frequent context switching. This problem is compounded on shared memory multiprocessors when dynamic load balancing is introduced, as thread migration disrupts cache content. Batching,...
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration - remote_cache: Add a waitcounter for gets and sets · pytorch/pytorch@9012e7a
摘要: Focuses on various thread scheduling algorithms for multithreaded applications. Features of cache-affinity thread scheduling technique; Benefits of wait-free scheduling; Role of batching as a scheduling strategy which improves cache exploitation....