name: Node.js CI with Cache on: push: branches: - main pull_request: jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Set up Node.js uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: node-version: '20' - name: Cache node_modules uses: actions...
node-cache-manager-fs Overview First, it includes awrapfunction that lets you wrap any function in cache. (Note, this was inspired bynode-caching.) This is probably the feature you're looking for. As an example, where you might have to do this: ...
constcache=require('@actions/cache');constpaths=['node_modules','packages/*/node_modules/']constkey='npm-foobar-d5ea0750'constcacheId=awaitcache.saveCache(paths,key) Restore Cache Restores a cache based onkeyandrestoreKeysto thepathsprovided. Function returns the cache key for cache hit and...
node_modulestmp* Ignore-rules specified in the.dockerignorefile apply to the entire build context, including subdirectories. This means it's a rather coarse-grained mechanism, but it's a good way to exclude files and directories that you know you don't need in the build context, such as ...
Github Action actions/cache actions/cache-docs 或者直接点下方的链接,直接跳到相关cache的例子 Examples C# - NuGet D - DUB Elixir - Mix Go - Modules Haskell - Cabal Java - Gradle Java - Maven Node - npm macOS and Ubuntu Windows Using multiple systems andnpm config ...
SeeExamplesfor a list ofactions/cacheimplementations for use with: C# - NuGet Clojure - Lein Deps D - DUB Deno Elixir - Mix Go - Modules Haskell - Cabal Haskell - Stack Java - Gradle Java - Maven Node - npm Node - Lerna Node - Yarn ...
-uses:actions/setup-java@v2.3.1name:InstallJavawith:java-version:8distribution:'adopt'cache:'maven' Note that there are the same with othersetup-*:node,pythonandruby. Share Copy link Improve this answer Follow answeredNov 28, 2021 at 17:06 ... Lipp, M, Gruss D, Spreitzer R, Maurice C, Mangard S (2016) ARMageddon: Cache Attacks on Mobile Devices In: USENIX Security Symposium. Liu, F, Ge Q, Yarom Y, ...
Zero-installs are technically possible by adding yournode_modulesfolders to Git. The difference however is thatnode_modulesfolders contain multiple thousands of files that Git each has to diff individually, that the hoisting causes them to frequently be moved around, and that people have a bad te...
To create an issue, visit the following URL: Solution 2: You have the option to delete your node modules and give it another shot. or you can try npm cache clean if both fails you can try yarn... Please run `npm cache...