Cache hit:缓存命中 cache miss: 缓存未命中,需要从下层获取 cache miss, block replacement: cache 未命中 + 需要把原来存在的 cache 給替换掉 缓存温度 cold: cache empty, 没有怎么加载 warming: Cache filling with values you’ll hopefully be accessing again soon Warm: Cache is doing its job, fair ...
最简单粗暴的,在cache tag pipeline和snoop filter pipeline前面加一个cmd buffer,进buffer就根据cacheline地址建链,然后所有子模块的相关cacheline的harzard都汇总到这个cmd buffer,等一个cacheline完全执行完成(包括snoop返回datacopy和miss之后的linefill等大时延操作),再开始执行冲突的下一条cmd。 发布于 2023-11-22...
在Cache中,不对等Way的产生除了因为访问路线并不一致之外,还有一个原因是为了降低Cache Miss Rate,有些微架构进行Way选择使用了不同的算法。如Skewed-Associative Cache[26]可以使用不用的Hash算法,f0和f1分别映射一个Set内的两个Way,采用这种方法在没有增加Set的Ways数目的情况下,有效降低了Cache Miss Rate。[26]...
参考文献 [1] PEREZ W J H,SANCHEZ E,REORDA M S.Functional test generation for the PLRU replacement mechanism of embedded Cache memories[C].Test Workshop(LATW),2011 12th Latin American,27-30 March 2011. [2] TAWADA M,YANAGISAWA M,OHTSUKI T,et al.Exact and fast L1 Cache configuration sim...
(3)Fully exclusive: 当miss的时候,数据只会缓存到L1 其实inclusive/exclusive属性描述的正是是 L1和L2之间的替换策略,这部分是硬件定死的,软件不可更改的。 我们再去查阅手册,查看该core的cache类型,得知: L1 I-cache和L2之间是 weakly inclusive的
从Cache Miss Rate的层面考虑,一个采用Direct Mapped方式容量为N的Cache其Miss Rate与采用2-Way Set-Associative方式容量为N/2的Cache几乎相同。这个Observation被John和David称为2:1 Cache Rule of Thumb[7]。这意味着采用Direct Mapped方式的Cache,所需要的Cache容量相对较大。
A cache miss occurs when a system or application makes a request to retrieve data from a cache, but that specific data is not currently in cache memory.
RMS = Read miss, shared RME = Read miss, exclusive WH = Write hit WM = Write miss SHR = Snoop hit on read SHI = Snoop hit on invalidate LRU = LRU replacement Bus Transactions: Push = Write cache line back to memory Invalidate = Broadcast invalidate ...
LRU removes the items the cache hasn’t used for the longest time. Don’t confuse LRU with FIFO, as the former considers cache hits before evicting data entries. Here’s how the cache replacement policy works: In a cache containing items A, B, C, D, item A is the least recently used...
A valid flag is associated with each stored tag comparison result to indicate whether the instruction to be fetched is resided in the recorded location. A simple invalidation scheme is implemented in the cache miss replacement operation. Whenever a cache line is replaced, the pointers to it, ...