Cache memoryis RAM that a microprocessor can access faster than it can access regular RAM. It is often tied directly to the CPU and is used to cache instructions that are accessed a lot. A RAM cache is faster than a disk-based one, but cache memory is faster than a RAM cache because ...
CPU、Memory、寄存器、Cache、RAM、ROM的作用 CPU:中央处理器(CPU,Central Processing Unit)是一块超大规模的集成电路,是一台计算机的运算核心(Core)和控制核心( Control Unit)。它的功能主要是解释计算机指令以及处理计算机软件中的数据。目前国内CPU的厂家主要有:龙芯、飞腾、北京君正、全志科技等;内存(Memory...
DRAM:动态 RAM,以电容充放电原理存储信息。 ROM:只读存储器,在程序执行过程中只能读出,而不能对其写入。 PROM:一次性编程的只读存储器。 EPROM:可擦除的可编程只读存储器,用紫外线照射进行擦写。 EEPROM:用电可擦除的可编程只读存储器。 CDROM:只读型光盘 Flash Memory:快擦型存储器,是性能价格比好,可靠性高...
解释概念:主存、辅存、Cache、RAM、SRAM、DRAM、ROM、PROM、EPROM、EEPROM、CDROM、Flash Memory。相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 主存:主存储器,用于存放正在执行的程序和数据。CPU可以直接进行随机读写,访问速度较高。 辅存:辅助存储器,用于存放当前暂不执行的程序和数据,以及一些需要永久保存的信息。 Cache:高速缓冲...
What it sacrifices in size and price, it makes up for in speed. Cache memory operates between 10 to 100 times faster than RAM, requiring only a few nanoseconds to respond to a CPU request. The name of the actual hardware that is used for cache memory is high-speed static random access...
SRAM是英文Static RAM的缩写,它是一种具有静止存取功能的内存,不需要刷新电路即能保存它内部存储的数据。SRAM不需要刷新电路即能保存它内部存储的数据。 而DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory)每隔一段时间,要刷新充电一次,否则内部的数据即会消失,因此SRAM具有较高的性能,但是SRAM也有它的缺点,即它的集成度较低,相同...
Cache memory is a type of super-fast RAM which is designed to make a computer or device run more efficiently. By itself, this may not be particularly useful, but cache memory plays a key role in computing when used with other parts of memory. ...
DRAM——动态RAM; ROM——只读存储器; PROM——可以实现一次性编程的只读存储器; EPROM——一种可擦除的只读存储器; EEPROM——既可局部擦写,又可全部擦写的EPROM; CDROM——只读光盘,是一种在电脑上使用的光碟; Flash Memory——闪速存储器,具有EEPROM的特点,而速度比EEPROM快得多。 根据需要确定写入内容,只能...
Cache:高速缓冲存储器;RAM:随机存储器;SRAM:静态随机存储器;DRAM:动态随机存储器 ROM:只读存储器;PROM:可编程只读存储器;MROM:掩模型只读存储器;EPROM:可擦除可编程只读存储器;EEPROM:用电可擦除可编程只读存储器;FlashMemory:闪速存储器 主存:计算机中存放正在运行的程序和数据的存储器...
You will also find cache memory on the hard drive. This is called a “disk cache.” It’s the slowest of all the cache levels, as it takes data from the hard drive to put on the RAM. The RAM may also store information for computer accessories and peripherals, like the DVD drive, ...