分布式缓存数据库软件 CacheServer 一款分布式高性能 KV 存储数据库,完全兼容Redis协议标准,主要解决高并发、大数据量场景下的数据访问性能问题。 申请体验 功能特性 弹性扩缩容 支持集群架构下弹性扩展数据库系统的存储空间及吞吐性能,突破海量数据高QPS性能瓶颈,轻松应对每秒数十万次的读写需求...
When you install a Microsoft Connected Cache on a Configuration Manager distribution point, cloud-managed devices can use the on-premises cache. For example, a device that's managed by Intune, but connects to the on-premises network. As long as the device can communicate with the server, the...
To utilize this feature, your application must be using the memcached, redis, dynamodb, database, file, or array cache driver as your application's default cache driver. In addition, all servers must be communicating with the same central cache server....
Unity has a completely automatic Asset pipeline. Whenever a source Asset like a .psd or an .fbx file is modified, Unity detects the change and automatically re-imports it. The imported data from the file is subsequently stored by Unity in an internal for
ASP.NET Core supports several different caches. The simplest cache is based on theIMemoryCache.IMemoryCacherepresents a cache stored in the memory of the web server. Apps running on a server farm (multiple servers) should ensure sessions are sticky when using the in-memory cache. Sticky sessions...
Cache a Shared Dataset Cache a Report Create, Modify, and Delete Snapshots in Report History Add a Snapshot to Report History Create Report History Report Server SharePoint mode Report Viewer web part on a SharePoint site Pin to Power BI ...
the cache can boost the performance of web applications. Using a cache can reduce the costs of databases and load on the backend server. Leveraging cache appropriately could result in an application that not only performs better, but also costs less at scale[47]. Applications which involve heavy...
Shows the records in a DNS Server Cache. Syntax PowerShell 复制 Show-DnsServerCache [-ComputerName <String>] [-CacheScope <String>] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-AsJob] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Description The Show-DNSServerCache cmdlet shows...
To improve server performance, you can preload the cache. You can preload the cache with a collection of parameterized report instances in two ways: Create a cache refresh plan. When you create a refresh plan, you can specify a schedule for a single report or specify a shared schedule. Crea...
As RESTful NoSQL cache servernuster can also be used as a RESTful NoSQL cache server, using HTTP POST/GET/DELETE to set/get/delete Key/Value object.It can be used as an internal NoSQL cache sits between your application and database like Memcached or Redis as well as a user-facing No...