The free WordPress Cache Enabler plugin is a lightweight caching plugin from KeyCDN. It offers fast page caching with Gzip and WebP support.
'Cache_Enabler', 'on_uninstall' ) ); // autoload register spl_autoload_register('cache_autoload'); // autoload function function cache_autoload($class) { if ( in_array($class, array('Cache_Enabler', 'Cache_Enabler_Disk')) ) { require_once( sprintf( '%s/inc/%s.class.php', CE_DIR...
WordPress Cache Enabler Plugin. Contribute to keycdn/cache-enabler development by creating an account on GitHub.
Disk Cache Enabler Endorsements 83 Unique DLs 3,061 Total DLs 3,668 Total views 23,216 Version 1.0 Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 12 December 20238:42PM Original upload 12 December 20236:38PM Created by archost Uploaded by enpinion...
5. Cache Enabler Cache Enabler ist ein super einfaches Seiten-Caching-Plugin von den Leuten bei KeyCDN, einem beliebten CDN-Dienst. Wie WP Super Cache ist das Tolle an diesem Plugin, wie einfach es ist. Sie müssen buchstäblich nur: Das Cache-Ablaufdatum festlegen Wählen, wann der Ca...
9.Cache Enabler Cache Enabler is a simple, lightweight performance plugin for WordPress. It allows users to set cached files to expire after a period of time, clear the site cache if content has changed, pre-compress cached pages with GZIP, and minify the HTML in cached pages. It also wo...
E: SFSE插件~必备优化MOD~硬盘缓存优化~减少卡顿和对话延迟~Disk Cache Enabler~更新V1.1.2 ...
Cache Enabler Cache Enablerlightweight caching plugin by KeyCDN, that makes your website faster by generating static HTML files plus WebP support. This plugin creates static HTML files and stores them on the servers disk. So when a visitor visits your site, the web server provides the static ...
如,sample中,在创建DMA Enabler instance之前调用 // // PLx PCI9656 DMA_TRANSFER_ELEMENTS must be 16-byte aligned // WdfDeviceSetAlignmentRequirement( DevExt->Device, PCI9656_DTE_ALIGNMENT_16 ); 该函数能设置分配出来的com...