针对您提出的关于“'cache-control' header is missing or empty”的问题,这里将分步骤进行详细解答,并附上可能的代码或配置示例(如果适用)。 1. 检查请求的HTTP头部中是否包含'cache-control'字段 当您遇到这个问题时,首先需要确认在发起HTTP请求时,是否已经在请求头中包含了Cache-Control字段。这通常是在使用HTTP...
If the above isn't feasible, can someone suggest how to fix this for next@12 ? Additional information No response Example No response Replies:2 comments·3 replies Oldest Newest Top saurishkar Nov 28, 2023 Author - Sorry to bother you@remorsesbut wanted to get your perspective since you ra...
Cache-Control 定义缓存资源属性是private或public,并且设置缓存多久后过期,本例中,属性为public,60秒过期 X-Accel-Expires 只有nginx能识别的缓存特性header,优先级大于上面两个header,可以设置此header,在nginx侧来重新定义缓存特性 Etag和Last-Modified 捆绑生成的: 有些场景下,你希望client端的浏览器长时间缓存,而缓...
-key:'Cache-Control'value:'max-age=86400'-pattern:'**/*'headers: -key:'custom-header'value:'my-value' After redeploying I do a HTTP request and successfully getcustom-headerin the response. ButCache-Controlhas this value:public, max-age=0, s-maxage=2. Am I missing something? Thanks...
MissingTable MruColors NameIndex NewCell NewDifferentialFormat NumberingFormat NumberingFormats NumberItem ObjectAnchor ObjectDisplayValues OddFooter OddHeader OlapProperties OldCell OldDifferentialFormat OldFormula OleItem OleItems OleLink OleObject OleObjects OleSize OleUpdateValues OrientationValues 大纲 Outline...
in the cache—and a handful of VaryBy parameters (VaryByParam, VaryByHeader, VaryByCustom, VaryByControl and VaryByContentEncoding) used to control the granularity of cached items, the output cache can be configured to control the location of cached cont...
example, you could require each developer to have a designated username/token configured via environment variables, and configure Cache Access Control with the corresponding entries. In this case thetokenHandlerscript should read the environment variables and print out an Authorization header, for ...
If a view sets its own cache expiry time (i.e. it has amax-agesection in itsCache-Controlheader) then the page will be cached until the expiry time, rather thanCACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS. Using the decorators indjango.views.decorators.cacheyou can easily set a view’s expiry time (using ...
public String getHeader(String name) { return _response.getHeader(name); } In Resin 3, it checked its own internal getHeader because the Servlet specification did not have a getHeader. Without the cache control headers, the ProxyCache will not cache the results. ...
FSWPFUserControl FTPConnection FTPSites FullScreen FullTextStopList FunctionMissing FunctionWarning FunnelChart FuzzyGrouping FuzzyLookup FXGFile Gallery GanttChart GaugeLinear GaugeRound GeminiEntryPoint GenerateAllFromTemplate GenerateAndRecordCode GenerateChangeScript GenerateCodeFromRecording GenerateDependancies Gen...