使用React Cache 进行简单的数据获取 下面是一个简单的使用 React Cache 进行数据获取的示例代码: import React, { Suspense } from 'react'; import { createResource } from 'react-cache'; const fetchData = async () => { const response = await fetch('https://api.example.com/data'); return awa...
React version: All versions that include the cache API. Steps To Reproduce Create a function using thecacheutility, with a destructured parameter object as input: import{cache}from"react";interfaceProps{params:Promise<{query?:string;page?:number}>;}constgetPosts=cache(async({query,page}:Props[...
For API routes, you can set headers directly in the response object. export default async function handler(req, res) { const data = await fetch('https://api.example.com/data'); res.status(200).json(data).setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=86400'); // Cache for 1 day } ...
import { getStoryblokApi } from "@storyblok/react"; import { useStoryblokData } from "~/hooks"; import type { MetaFunction, LoaderFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/node"; import { implementSeo, getPostCardData, invariantResponse } from "~/utils"; ...
key = JSON.stringify(location); const cache = unstable_getCacheForType(createResponseCache); let response = cache.get(key); if (response) { return response; } response = createFromFetch( fetch('/react?location=' + encodeURIComponent(key)) ); cache.set(key, response); return response; }...
如何实现Web和Webview对前端常用框架(如Vue,React)的适配 Webview页面中,如何拦截从网络请求来的数据,转为读取本地预置数据 如何在Web请求时添加header头 Web组件对原生H5、常用框架VUE、React的页面支持情况,包括本地和网络端的页面 Web组件如何访问本地的资源文件,并添加查询参数 如何判断Web滑动到了顶部/...
caches.open('mycache').then((cache) => { cache.match('/api/todos').then((res) => { //res is the Response Object }) }) Get all the items in a cachecaches.open('mycache').then((cache) => { cache.keys().then((cachedItems) => { // }) }) ...
我们继续使用带有 Type 的 React 作为前端应用程序。 设置API 服务// apiService.ts import axios from 'axios'; export const processFeature = async (data: FeatureRequest) => { try { const response = await axios.post<FeatureResponse>('/api/feature', data); ...
This class implements the cache storage interface for MSAL through browser local or session storage. Cookies are only used if storeAuthStateInCookie is true, and are only used for parameters such as state and nonce, generally.Extends CacheManager ...
这时response 中是有内容的,这里希望服务器不返回实际的内容,只需要告诉浏览器直接读取缓存即可。通过在服务器端进行判断。 这时查看 respones 发现还是有内容,这个内容是 Chrome 浏览器 从缓存中读取显示出来的,服务器没有返回内容。 如何判断服务端通过验证,但是从缓存读取的呢,通过服务器设置 HTTP Code 304,Not ...