According to legend, the initial difference between cocoa and cacao may even come down to an incorrectly written ledger on a cargo ship. Since the Nahuatl word is little-known— much less used— outside of present-day Mexico, the two paths which the term has taken are as follows: Spanish,...
結論就是,cacao 是原始的用字,而 cocoa 是後來衍生的字詞。 雖然cocoa 滿街跑,但近年由於健康飲食風潮興盛,cacao 一詞又漸漸回到人們的生活中。有的廠商還會特別以 cacao 為自家生機純素產品命名,用來區分和一般高溫烘焙可可豆的差別。比如說 raw cacao powder 指的是生可可粉,而 cocoa powder 就不見得是生可可...
One of the greatest curiosities about chocolate is ready to be solved: What is the difference between cacao and cocoa? Read Venchi's article and find out!
Cocoa vs Cacao– The Great Debate. While both cocoa and cacao are derived from cacao beans, the difference all comes down to the processing of the chocolate. Table of Contents Full Table of ContentsShow Less What is the Difference Between Cocoa vs Cacao? First, we need to define the diffe...
You might have seen some healthier variations of this much-loved confection popping up in grocery stores and online labeled as cacao. Butwhat is cacao, and how is it different from the cocoa you know and love? The answer: it depends on the stage of processing. ...
Understanding the difference between cacao vs cocoa reveals some key insights about how your favorite indulgence can affect your health.
popularity of eating whole and natural foods as well as vegan diets, however, we are hearing the word more and more with each passing season. It is easy to get confused as to the difference between the two since cocoa and cacao actually have a lot in common, the most important being ...
What’s the difference between cocoa and cacao? The wordcacao, pronounced [ kuh–kah-oh ] or [ kuh–key-oh ], is used to refer to theTheobroma cacaospecies of tree. This tree, which is often referred to as thecacao treeorcocoa tree, is the source of an edible seed that is commonly...
Cacao vs. Cocoa Cacao is raw, whereas cocoa is not. The main difference between the two is the processing. That said, the health benefits can also differ because of how each is harvested and processed. 6 Cacao Health Benefits Cacao beans contain plant compounds that can aid in various ...
Cacao vs Cocoa: What’s the Difference? When generally used, the terms cacao and cocoa are often used interchangeably to refer to the tree, bean or what is used to make chocolate. But Rogan says there is a lot of industry discussion about the terms and what makes cacao different from coc...