地區代碼 +63-49-(2020000...2024999) 位於 Cabuyao, Laguna (LAG), 更詳細如下。 位置 國際撥號代碼:63 國際前綴:00 國家前綴:0 國內目的地代碼:49 用戶號碼從:2020000 用戶號碼至:2024999 國內目的地代碼長度:2 採用國內目的地代碼:是 國家重大號碼長度:9 ...
Laguna 49 8310000 8319999 Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT) G Laguna 49 8320000 8329999 Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT) G 語言🌐 AreaCodeBase.com 1998-2022 v8.18 a-d-e-3 聯繫本站 😄 EmojiAll 連結: Emoji 手冊 📕, Emoji ✂️ & 📋...
Cabuyao is a city in Laguna, a region in the Philippines. Cabuyao has about 355,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.
Type: Neighborhood Categories: residential area and locality Location: Cabuyao, Laguna, Calabarzon, Luzon, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia View on OpenStreetMapLatitude14.23786° or 14° 14' 16" north Longitude121.12244° or 121° 7' 21" east Open location code7Q6364QC+4X Open...
这是菲律宾 城市名称:Cabuyao City 区号数据库的页面列表。 您可以点击标题浏览详细信息。 区域代码: LAG 地区名称国内目的地代码Sn fromSn to运营商名称号码类型 Laguna4924300002439999Philippine Telephone and Telegraph Company (PT&T)G Laguna4930400003049999Innove Communications IncG ...
Locales in the AreaCalamba Photo: Ramon FVelasquez, CC BY-SA 3.0. Calamba is a city in Laguna, Philippines, a major economic, transportation, and tourist hub in the Calabarzon region.Santa Rosa Photo: Judgefloro, CC0. Santa Rosa is a city in Laguna, a light industrial and commercial hub...
地區代碼 +63-49-(3040000...3049999) 位於 Cabuyao City, Laguna (LAG), 更詳細如下。 位置 國際撥號代碼:63 國際前綴:00 國家前綴:0 國內目的地代碼:49 用戶號碼從:3040000 用戶號碼至:3049999 國內目的地代碼長度:2 採用國內目的地代碼:是 國家重大號碼長度:9 ...
Locales in the AreaSanta Rosa Photo: Judgefloro, CC0. Santa Rosa is a city in Laguna, a light industrial and commercial hub close to Metro Manila.Maduya Quarter Carmona, officially the City of Carmona, is a component city in the province of Cavite, Philippines. Maduya is situated 8 km...
Locales in the AreaSanta Rosa Photo: Judgefloro, CC0. Santa Rosa is a city in Laguna, a light industrial and commercial hub close to Metro Manila.Biñan Photo: Ramon FVelasquez, CC BY-SA 3.0. Biñan is a city in Laguna. Practically, it is more of a bedroom community south of ...
地区代码 +63-49-(3040000...3049999) 位于 Cabuyao City, Laguna (LAG), 更多详细信息如下。 位置 国际拨号代码:63 国际前缀:00 国家前缀:0 国内目的地代码:49 用户号码从:3040000 用户号码至:3049999 国内目的地代码长度:2 采用国内目的地代码:是 ...