卡波圣卢卡斯(Cabo San Lucas)位于墨西哥下加里福尼亚半岛的最南端,此岛又称巴哈半岛,它从墨西哥的西北角向东南延伸,南北长1297公里,东西最宽处230公里,最窄处只有45公里,这个狭长的半岛俗称“墨西哥瘦臂”。在信息闭塞的年代,墨西哥人从“瘦臂”最北端出发,历经跋涉穿过莽莽群山荒原,到达最南端的圣卢卡斯...
Playa del Amor(情人海滩)是卡波圣卢卡斯最南端海岸的一个僻静海滩。 它相对未开发 - 您几乎可以花一整天的时间享受日光浴,欣赏美丽的白色沙滩和碧绿海水的壮观景色。 与 El Arco 和 Neptune's Finger 合影,这是 2 个从海中伸出的石灰岩岩层。前往情人海滩的最佳方式是从梅达诺海滩搭乘游轮或水上的士。卡波...
CABO SAN LUCAS BY FOUR SEASONS WHIMSICAL FRIDAY EVENINGS AT LA PLAZA MÁGICA Weekends begin with a sense of joy at La Plaza Mágica. Every Friday evening, La Plaza, the heart of our modern Hacienda, comes alive with the sounds of lively mariachi music, the folklore of local art, and the...
Safety Travel Issues in Cabo San LucasKelly Taylor
Weather in August?? 9 replies Cabo vs. Cancun HELP 14 replies How is Cabo in late november, weather, tourist, etc. 9 replies Is Cabo San Lucas Safe? 145 replies Weather in December 11 replies Cabo vs. Puerto Vallarta 8 replies Where are the swimmable beaches?...
墨西哥Cabo San Lucas出海观鲸🐳 |古人尽头 Cabo San Lucas圣卢卡斯角,Mexico墨西哥 圣卢卡斯角的观鲸季从12月持续到4月初,灰鲸和座头鲸从阿拉斯加迁徒至加利福尼亚湾和太平洋,在温暖的海域生下它们的幼崽,1月左右是鲸鱼宝宝出生高峰期,之后母鲸鱼和小鲸鱼在南下加利福尼亚州返回阿拉斯加周而复始 季节:12月到4...
卡波圣卢卡斯(CABO SAN LUCAS),地处太平洋与科蒂斯海相会处,海水特别清澈湛蓝,沿岸怪石罗列其间,海鸟、海豹栖息 … www.trends.com.cn|基于153个网页 2. 墨西哥圣卢卡斯岬 从加州棕榈泉到墨西哥圣卢卡斯岬(Cabo San Lucas),搭乘商业班机要六小时,搭乘NetJets专机只要二点一小时。NetJets使整 … ...
In sophisticated beachside settings, Las Ventanas al Paraíso pairs Mexican traditions with innovative fine dining at its trend-setting Los Cabos restaurants.
Cabo San Lucas is a safe and beautiful beach destination in Mexico. However, there is more than beaches for you to enjoy. "Los Cabos" downtown has very good restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. Julio G Cabo is where I go with my wife to relax, enjoy the warm sun during the day...
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