Deadpool 2 - 1/6th scale Cable Collectible Figure 建議售價:港幣 1,680 元,商品規格:1/6 比例,高約 30 公分,預計發貨日期:未公佈
Browse the Marvel comic series Cable & Deadpool (2004 - 2008). Check out individual issues, and find out how to read them!
乔什·布洛林 据台湾媒体《东森新闻云》4月13日报道,《死侍》首集创下好票房和口碑,续集总算将在6月开拍,这阵子众人忙着猜测饰演新角色“机堡”(Cable)的演员,现在总算公布人选是乔什·布洛林(Josh Brolin),但是他同时帮漫威的大反派“萨诺斯”做动态捕捉,在Marvel一次扮演2个角色,引起影迷热议。 身兼制片的瑞...
《Deadpool & Cable: Split Second》是2016年 Marvel出版的图书,作者是 Fabian Nicieza / Reilly Brown 。内容简介 Call them a duo with a special kind of them the odd couple but with them 90s comics distilled down into two characters-DEADPOOL AND CABLE ARE BACK, ...
1920x1080 Cable Marvel Comics Wallpaper"> Get Wallpaper 2560x1600 Cable Deadpool 2 Wallpaper"> Get Wallpaper 3200x1680 Cable In Deadpool 2 Movie, HD Movies, 4k Wallpaper, Image, Background, Photo and Picture"> Get Wallpaper 1920x1200 Josh Brolin as Cable in Deadpool 2 Wallpaper"> ...
did something rather brilliant. He helped put together a short test film that showed what Deadpoolcouldbe as a movie. Fox decided to give it another shot, and it worked big time. In 2016,DEADPOOLbecame a box office hit, making a sequel inevitable. This weekend we getDEADPOOL 2, which ... is the official site of Marvel Entertainment! Browse official Marvel movies, characters, comics, TV shows, videos, & more.
Josh Brolin's Cable was notably absent from Deadpool & Wolverine, but there are reasons behind the apparent ousting of the character in the sequel.
Deadpool 2 sees the on-screen debut of Nathan “Cable” Summers, a character who many fans consider essential to ...