The cable pullover is a back exercise. It allows you to isolate the lats and is a good exercise to build thickness in that muscle group. More Related Alternatives: High-Row Machine Alternatives Inverted Row Alternatives Bent Over Row Alternatives Best Back Extension Alternatives Lat Pulldown Alter...
wire ropes and steel cabling can be useful for applications in both commercial and consumer tasks, such as towing trailers, boatlift cable assemblies, and cable winches; they can even be found in cable exercise machines. If you plan to cut or modify wire rope and steel cable, it is importan...
Barbell Pullover The barbellpullover is similar to the dumbbell pullover. To make sure you’re keeping tension on your lats, maintain a slight bend in your elbows as you execute this exercise. This will make sure that there is still some tension onyour latsat the top of the movement. Be...
While the cable curl requires expensive machinery to perform, there are several benefits to this exercise that makes it a crucial lift. These benefits are that it specifically targets the biceps brachii, stabilizes your upper body, gives you fast and defined results in your bicep, and adds varie...
Exercise Instructions: Place a flat bench under a high pulley or lat pulldown machine. Grab a straight bar with an underhand grip securely with both hands. Lie on your back on the bench with your head near the base of the machine. While keeping your elbows firmly in place throughout the...
New Design Gym Equipment Pin Load Machine Lat Pulldown US$549.00-559.00 / Piece Vertical Row Gym Equipment Fitness Exercise Machine US$372.00-375.00 / Piece High Quality Commercial Gym Equipment Strength Series Glute Islator US$372.00-...
High Quality Shoulder exercise Equipment Handle Rack US$153.80-155.00 / Piece Commercial Machine Gym Fitness Equipment Leg Extension US$395.00-399.00 / Piece New Design Gym Equipment Pin Load Machine Lat Pulldown US$549.00-559....
Exercise Machine/Sport Exercise Machine/Gym Fitness Lat Pulldown Machine US$533.00-543.00 / set Synrgy 360 Crossfit Group Training System for Sale /Crossfit Equipment for Sale US$2,131.00-2,141.00 / Piece Fitness Equipment Inner Thigh Adductor/Outer Th...
The unique ergonomic handle provides extra comfort while preventing palm sweat and providing the firm grip needed for maximum exercise. Uses: Weight loss / fitness / training / entertainment and other sports. Features: high precision, g...
Exercise Machine/Sport Exercise Machine/Gym Fitness Lat Pulldown Machine US$533.00-543.00 / set Synrgy 360 Crossfit Group Training System for Sale /Crossfit Equipment for Sale US$2,131.00-2,141.00 / Piece Fitness Equipment Inner Thigh Adductor/Outer...