A barrier gland must be used where the standard method of glanding ( elastomeric seals )an Ex cable entry is considered unlikely to maintain the integrity of Flameproof equipment and STEP 3 ( cont’n. ) contain an explosion within the enclosure due either to : Construction of the cable and...
It is also recommended that the device ground terminal landing pads be connected directly to the grounded thermal land. The land size is as large as possible without shorting device signal terminals. The thermal land may be soldered to the exposed PowerPAD using standard reflow soldering ...
The so-called direct landing is when the submarine cables of the ship are directly towed to the beach landing point. The method of direct landing should generally have the following three conditions: (1) the length of the landing strip is no more than 3 km; (2) the water depth at the ...
seafloor. The present DAS measurement was performed within a 50 km-long section from the landing station with 10-m resolution along the submarine cable. Thus, for majority of the length, the DAS measurement is performed with the submarine cable laid on the seafloor. So less coupling to the s...