The rift between Lands Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu and the National Land Commission has widened as the minister has now directed the Director of Surveys to stop issuing land registration maps to the commission.
1.Suitable for storage or display in a cabinet, as because of size or decorative quality. 2.Of, relating to, or being a member of a governmental cabinet:cabinet matters; a cabinet minister. 3.Used in the making of cabinets:teak and other heavy cabinet wood. ...
Ministries of Cabinet Affairs and Foreign Affairs to express serious concern at the [...] 南苏丹特派团高层领导立即会见了南苏丹政 府内阁事务部 和外 交部人员,对这种违反《部队地位协定》的行为及其给联合国工作人员带来的风 险表示严重关切。 [...] Ju...
On Wednesday, Information Secretary Nick Mangwana posted on his Twitter handle that government was slowly grinding to a halt. "From tomorrow 21 January 2021 to 3 February 2021, all Ministries, government Departments and Agencies (except for Health ministry) will be operating with only 10% of its...