Mulino also announced the heads of several other ministries but added he has yet to designate the ministers of the Interior, Justice and Education. "I chose each of these people for their capability and commitment to Panama. There is no other rule above that and that is how I intend to le...
According to the Presidential Media Division, the new ministers took oaths in front of the president and all assumed duties in their new ministries immediately on Friday. Dilum Amunugama was sworn in as the minister of transport on Friday while C.B. Rathnayake was sworn in as the minister of...
Bayrou has downsized the new government to 14 full ministries. Valls will head the Ministry of Overseas Territories, while Borne will lead the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research. Three ministers from the previous administration led by Michel Barnier will retain their position...
Full list of the Modi Cabinet after September 2017 reshuffle: Indian Ministers and their portfolio in the Modi government: Narendra Modi - Prime Minister and also in charge of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions; Department of Space, Department of Atomic Energy and all important policy issues...
Her portfolio was previously planning, follow-up and administrative reform. Nevine Gamea, who headed Egypt's Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency, will be the new Industry Minister, succeeding Amr Nassar. The new ministers were sworn in after parliament approved the cha...
In the next three chapters we consider the institutions which make up the Executive — the Prime Minister and Cabinet, the ministries (government departments) and civil service, and quasi-governmental bodies (QUANGOS). We begin in this chapter with a close examination of the two institutions at...
The paper argues that ministers matter for policy, but only some times. Their policy impact varies with their ideological commitment and political skill. More specifically, I propose a typology of ministers into ideologues, partisans and bureaucrats. Ideologues are those whose commitment to an ...
The median age in Nigeria is 17.9 years (which is not to say that cabinet ministers should be in their twenties). The problem with having such an old cabinet is that ministers are likely to employ equally old lieutenants, with the outcome being that everyone in government ends up being eith...
The government on Wednesday made a reshuffle in the cabinet as a number of ministers and state ministers were given new assignments.New face AKM Shajahan Kamal replaced Rashed Khan Menon as the civil aviation and tourism minister while the latter was mad
Three ministers lost their seats in June's legislative elections and were now replaced. They are Brigitte Bourguignon (health), Justine Benin (sea) and Amelie de Montchalin (ecological transition). Former Ministers of the Overseas Territories Yael Braun-Pivet also gave up her role and she has ...