Looking for online definition of CABG in the Medical Dictionary? CABG explanation free. What is CABG? Meaning of CABG medical term. What does CABG mean?
Surgery andpercutaneous coronary intervention(PCI) were on par with each other for death from any cause,myocardial infarction(MI), orstrokein theEXCELtrial's final 5-year analysis. The finding is similar to its prospectively defined 3-year primary outcome for the same composite endpoint. Aspreviou...
PHOENIX HOSPITAL GROUPResults: A total of 382 deaths occurred over a mean follow-up of 2.3 years. Diabetic patients had a poorer prognosis following both surgery (adjusted hazards ratio (HR) 1.43, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.08, 1.89) and percutaneous intervention (adjusted HR 2.58, 95% ...
Results are presented in mean +- standard deviation, and Kaplan-Meier curves were created for long-term all-cause mortality. Results: The TMR + CABG patients had a similar incidences to the CABG only group for preoperative ejection fraction (50.9Ut 11.2% vs. 50.7 +- 10.3%, P = 0.93), ...
RESULTS: Pre-initiative, the mean compliance rate for administration of prophylactic antibiotics within the appropriate time frame was 72% (range 47-94%). The Anesthesia Department and the CVOR have been successful in hardwiring this initiative for the subsequent 18 months since the initiative was ...
benefit of nearly a year and a half, and that he and his team saw that the addition of CABG to medical therapyprevented a death from any cause for every 14 patients they treated. Their data further suggest that the reduction in the risk of death could be even greater in real-world ...
The mean age of the population was 68 years and the patients were predominantly male; 82% (n = 56,971) (Table 2). Patients were relatively evenly distributed across all IMD deciles, with between 8 and 11% in each decile. The median CCI was 1 (IQR 1–3). Within this population...
and an additional 1,275 patients were enrolled in either a nested parallel CABG registry (n = 1,077; 35% of total enrollment) due to complex coronary anatomy felt to be unsuitable for PCI (mean SYNTAX score, 37.8) or a PCI registry (n = 198) due to comorbidities precluding surgery. Th...
ErasmusMedicalCenter,Rotterdam,TheNetherlands c ProvidenceHealthSystem,Portland,OR,USA Received2October2002;receivedinrevisedform24January2003;accepted27January2003 Abstract Objective:Mechanicalvalvesandbioprosthesesarethecommonlyuseddevicesinaorticvalvereplacement(AVR).Manypatientswith valvulardiseasealsorequireconcomitant...
A retrospective review of their medical records was conducted. The mean age of the patients was 54.5 years. Aortic root aneurysm was the indication for surgery in 123 patients, acute type A dissection in 14, and endocarditis in two. Results: All patients underwent a modified Bentall operation ...