As I have written in the past, Michael Keenan has done a fabulous job of ratcheting up the quality of the wines from this Spring Mountain estate. Some of the finest wines of Napa Valley are emerging from Robert Keenan Winery.Tel. (707) 963-9177; Fax (707) 963-8209—— 帕克团队 The ...
酒庄名称: 琪兰酒庄(Keenan Winery) 酒庄拥有者: 迈克尔·琪兰(Michael Keenan) 酒庄网址: 主要葡萄品种: 霞多丽(Chardonnay)、赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)和品丽珠(Cabernet Franc) 葡萄园面积: 48英亩 电话: 707-963-9177 邮箱: 查看详情 本...
酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“琪兰酒庄赤霞珠红葡萄酒(Keenan Winery Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Valley, USA) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自美国加利福尼亚州的红葡萄酒。此酒口感丰富,带有黑色水果、紫罗兰、香料和甘草的香气及风味,质地柔软,回味悠长。 猜你喜欢 跨境2013年阿罗珠酒庄安塔西亚红葡萄酒 美国» 纳帕...
酒庄名称: 琪兰酒庄(Keenan Winery) 酒庄拥有者: 迈克尔·琪兰(Michael Keenan) 酒庄网址: 主要葡萄品种: 霞多丽(Chardonnay)、赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)和品丽珠(Cabernet Franc) 葡萄园面积: 48英亩 电话: 707-963-9177 邮箱: 查看详情 本...
关于“琪兰酒庄品丽珠红葡萄酒(Keenan Winery Spring Mountain District Cabernet Franc, Napa Valley, USA) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自加利福尼亚州的红葡萄酒。酒庄用“出奇地好”来形容这个单一园的品丽珠,它产自该酒庄海拔最高的葡萄园,因此被称为“上碗园”。普通的品丽珠不会像这款酒那么迷人。现在即可饮...
琪兰酒庄(Keenan Winery)位于美国加利福尼亚州(California)的纳帕谷(Napa Valley)葡萄酒产区,是该产区内知名的酒庄之一。 1974年,罗伯特·琪兰(Robert Keenan)深信纳帕谷山边的葡萄园能够生产世界级葡萄酒,于是在春山区(Spring Mountain District)购买了180亩海拔1,700英尺的葡萄园。春山区位于梅亚卡玛斯山脉(Mayacamas...
2011 marks the 35th vintage for the Robert Keenan Winery and the 11th consecutive vintage of “Reserve” Cabernet Sauvignon. The five new cabernet clones that were replanted as bench grafts in the spring of ’98 are now showing their individual characteristics and the vineyard now in its f...
Once you’ve picked a side in the Cabernet Sauvignon versus Merlot battle, it’s time to get your party ready! Be First shop Learn More About Cabernet Franc Food Guide Keenan Winery Spring Variety
1991 Barnett Vineyards Spring Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon from Spring Mountain District for sale on WineBid. Browse our auction and buy vintage wine today!
2015 Quixote Winery “Cervantes’ Selection” Petite Sirah, Stags Leap District 2015 Whitehall Lane “Lion’s Dust” Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Valley 2015 Odette Estate Winery Cabernet Sauvignon, Stags Leap District 2015 Duckhorn Vineyards “Three Palms Vineyard Block Selection” Merlot, Calistoga ...