Grape:Cabernet Sauvignon Region:Argentina Mendoza Characteristics: An aromatic nose of black plum, blackberry, black currant and fig. A full bodied Cabernet with plenty of black fruits and ripe tannins with a hint of tobacco. 葡道旗舰店(微信公众号认证) ...
1) Cabernet Sauvignon grape seed 赤霞珠葡萄籽1. The extraction and determination of procyanidins methods and of Cabernet Sauvignon grape seeds to explore. 以赤霞珠葡萄籽为原料,对原花青素的提取方法和含量测定进行了探索。2) Cabernet sauvignon 赤霞珠葡萄 1. Cytomorphological studies of programmed cell ...
Cabernet Sauvignon is the world's most famous red wine grape. From its origins in Bordeaux, the variety has spread to every corner of the wine world.
Sauvignon 赤霞珠 Cabernet n. 红葡萄酒 赤霞珠 cabernet n. 红葡萄酒 grape n.[C] 1.葡萄 2.葡萄藤;葡萄属植物 3.葡萄色,深紫红色 4.发酵的葡萄汁;葡萄酒;(亦作the grape)【美俚】香槟酒 grape brandy n. 葡萄白兰地酒 grape sugar 葡萄糖 grape fruit 【医】 美国柚, 菩提子 grape ending...
Cabernet Sauvignon,正译,赤霞珠又译加本纳苏维翁,别名 解百难、解百纳索维浓、解百难苏味浓。原产法国,是法国波尔多(Bordeaux)地区传统的酿制红葡萄酒的良种。世界上生产葡萄酒的国家均有较大面积的栽培。我国于1892年首先由烟台张裕公司引入。l961年又从前苏联引入,1980年以后,多次从法国、美国、澳大利亚引入。是...
Cabernet Franc is a black-skinned grape variety originally from the southwest of France, but now grown in wine regions all over the world. It is the parent variety of its two Bordeaux stablemates, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, with which it is often ble
在葡萄酒界流传着一句话,“霞多丽(Chardonnay)葡萄酒是葡萄酒界的王后,那么赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)葡萄酒便是无可争议的国王。”赤霞珠是全球种植面积最广的葡萄品种,这当然离不开波尔多(Bordeaux)和纳帕谷(Napa Valley)这些声望极高产区的推力。根据Vivino的数据统计,赤霞珠红葡萄酒占到了葡萄酒总量的11.1%。
关于“帝梵酒庄葡萄天使赤霞珠-黑姑娘红葡萄酒(Imperial Vin Grape Angel Cabernet Sauvignon Feteasca Neagra, Moldova) ”的酒款综述 这是一款产自摩尔多瓦的红葡萄酒,采用赤霞珠和黑姑娘酿制而成。该酒散发着黑莓和黑樱桃的芳香,并伴有些许橡木和香料的气息,其酒体适中,口感柔和,风味充沛。 猜你喜欢 2023年玛熙...
Today, Cabernet Sauvignon is the dominant grape in theLeft Bankof Bordeaux. Cabernet Sauvignon is also the most important grape in Pessac Leognan, although it has competition withMerlot. The decision as to when to pick Cabernet Sauvignon is...
This year sawthe drinks businessbuild on its successful Masters series with the introduction of a competition dedicated to the world’s most widely planted grape variety, often referred to as the “King of the grapes”, Cabernet Sauvignon. ...