The musical show Cabaret (1966) and a film version (1972) portrayed the 1930s German cabaret, as inspired by Anglo-American writer Christopher Isherwood’s Berlin Stories. The cabaret survived in post-World War II Germany as a forum for topical satire, but it lost most of its political ...
Cabaret, acclaimed stage musical by composer John Kander and lyricist Fred Ebb that explores the decadence of Berlin during the Weimar Republic amid the rising threat of Nazism. Set in a seedy cabaret called the Kit Kat Klub in 1929–30, the innovative musical tells the story of two doomed ...
Bob Fosse’s groundbreaking musical film starring Liza Minnelli and set in Berlin during the rise of the Nazi Party, CABARET (1972) was included on the American Film Institute’s list of the art form’s greatest musicals – as well as on the 10th Anniversary Edition list of the greatest Am...
♦️音乐剧——是一部美国音乐剧,由约翰·坎德作曲,弗雷德·埃布作词,乔·马斯特罗夫 (Joe Masteroff) 编书。它改编自约翰·范·德鲁滕 (John Van Druten) 1951 年的戏剧《我是相机》,而该剧又改编自克里斯托弗·伊舍伍德 (Christopher Isherwood) 1939 年的小说《再见柏林》(Goodbye to Berlin)。最初的...
Reed 1, 2, 3 & 4; Horn; Trumpet 1 & 2; Trombone 1 & 2; Percussion; Violin 1 & 2; Viola: Cello; Bass; Guitar-Banjo; Accordian-Celeste Associated Feature Articles: Good-bye to Berlin - Hello to Broadway The German Cabaret© The Guide to Musical Theatre 2024 ...
Music Theatre Warwick reveal the seedy underbelly of 1930s Berlin in hit musical Cabaret. Come to the Cabaret! TheDailyPreview It was with this desire that Hugo Ball went to a bar in Zurich's old town--the Hollandische Meierei--to ask its owner, Ephraim Jan, for the use of the back ...
CABARET is a very good film, that I won't argue. But for the film to have garnered eight Oscars--that I find very hard to understand. Now it's true that many of these were for musical or set design awards, but still the film doesn't seem that exceptional. Perhaps I am just miss...
Cabaret: Regia di Götz Friedrich. Con Helen Schneider, Wolfgang Reichmann, Cusch Jung, Hildegard Knef. At the twilight of the Jazz Age in Berlin, the incipient Nazi Party is growing stronger. The Kit Kat Klub is a seedy cabaret-a place of decadent cel
Summary: A female girlie club entertainer in Weimar Republic era Berlin romances two men while the Nazi Party rises to power around them. Cabaret (1972) is director/choreographer Bob Fosse's defining, decadent, award-winning musical which popularized the phrase: "Life is a Cabaret." It was on...