11:00 pm in Caacupe, Paraguay is 4:00 am in Dolyna, Ukraine Caacupe to Dolyna call timeBest time for a conference call or a meeting is between 8am-1pm in Caacupe which corresponds to 1pm-6pm in Dolyna 11:00 pm (Caacupe, Paraguay). Offset UTC -3:00 hours 4:00 am EET (Eastern...
Country Paraguay Alternative Names Caacupe, Caacupé, Kaakupe, ka ku pei, kakupe, kayakwph, Каакупе, کائاکوپه, کاکوپے, კააკუპე, 卡庫佩, 카쿠페 Population 21,696 Currency Guarani (PYG) Geographic Coordinates 25° ...
Caacupe Cathedral 3.8 热度 全年全天开放 实用攻略 JV75+JJ6, Caacupé 030103, Paraguay 地图·周边 暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 景点详情 查看全部 无障碍服务 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 Fanny Ferreira Catering & Eventos 5.0 分 ¥1026/人...
Ubicación: Caacupe, Fulgencio Yegros, Caazapá, Paraguay, Sudamérica Ver en OpenStreetMapLatitud-26,46013° o 26° 27' 37" sur Longitud-56,40514° o 56° 24' 19" oeste Open location code5855GHQV+WW OpenStreetMap IDnode 6534516685 Característica OpenStreetMaptourism=...
Location: Villa 23 De Octubre, Ciudad Del Este, Alto Paraná Department, Paraguay, South America View on OpenStreetMapLatitude-25.53734° or 25° 32' 14" south Longitude-54.65412° or 54° 39' 15" west Open Location Code5867F87W+39 OpenStreetMap IDnode 4475600851 OpenStre...
Pope gushes about Paraguayan women during Mass in CaacupeCAACUPE, Paraguay * Pope Francis lauded the strength andreligious fervor of Paraguayan women...Peter PrengamanNicole Winfield
812月2025Paraguay2025年12月8日星期一 Add to calendar Quick Facts This year: 2025年12月8日星期一 Next year: 2026年12月8日星期二 Last year: 2024年12月8日星期日 Type: National Holiday List of dates for other years Upcoming holidays in Paraguay Holidays in Paraguay 2025 Holidays in Paraguay...
Itaú cinemas Pinedo天气21℃/26℃ Olimpia club天气21℃/26℃ Paraguay International Trade Fair天气21℃/26℃ Centro Cultural Paraguayo Americano - CCPA天气21℃/26℃ Itaú cinemas Hiperseis天气21℃/26℃ Cines Itaú Cerroalto天气21℃/26℃ Independence House Museum天气21℃/26℃ Expo MRA天气21℃/...
8:00 am in Gayhurst, United Kingdom is 5:00 am in Caacupe, Paraguay Gayhurst to Caacupe call timeBest time for a conference call or a meeting is between 11am-6pm in Gayhurst which corresponds to 8am-3pm in Caacupe 8:00 am GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) (Gayhurst, United Kingdom). ...