10.拉伸应变痕 stretcher strain marks 冷加工成形过程中,由于时效的原因,钢板或钢带出现不均匀变形,导致钢板或钢带发生局部塑性变形, 终会在钢板或钢带表面呈现与拉伸方向成一定角度的一系列平行线状的褶皱或不规则折线、不规则表面扭曲等有损表面外观质量的缺陷。 我司专业经营宝钢、马钢、武钢等代理的经销商,各大汽...
etc. Finally, Professor Shen focused on cutting-edge cardiovascular research directions, including CT-based intelligent analysis of pericoronary fat and plaque and MRI-based intelligent analysis of myocardial strain. Integrating curr...
Tensile stress–strain behavior and tensile properties were evaluated at 1200°C. Tension-tension fatigue tests were conducted at 0.1Hz and at 1.0Hz for fatigue stresses ranging from 100 to 140MPa in air and in steam. Fatigue run-out was defined as 105 cycles at 0.1Hz and as 2×105 ...
4. During the removal of the chromate ester’s carbinol hydrogen, 1,3-diaxial strain is relieved for an axial chromate ester, but not for an equatorial ester. If one of the 1,3-diaxial bonds connects to an alkyl group, the additional strain relief gives a more than 200-fold advantage...
CET-4 Vocabulary Contests 大学英语四级词汇竞赛1200题Contest 1 1. With the ___of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party.A.exhibition B.exception C.except D.reception 2. Although the traffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a ___ speed.A.spare...
10.拉伸应变痕 stretcher strain marks 冷加工成形过程中,由于时效的原因,钢板或钢带出现不均匀变形,导致钢板或钢带发生局部塑性变形, 终会在钢板或钢带表面呈现与拉伸方向成一定角度的一系列平行线状的褶皱或不规则折线、不规则表面扭曲等有损表面外观质量的缺陷。 我司专业经营宝钢、马钢、武钢等代理的经销商,各大汽...