摘要: This paper proposes a model-based regression test suite reduction method. The proposed method considers an SDL model representing the requirements of a system under test and a set of modifications ...关键词: control dependence data dependence regression test suite reduction requirements-based ...
sdltrados2017“翻译单个文档”操作流程 SDL Trados 2017 “翻译单个文档”操作流程 (1)通过“开始”菜单或桌面快捷方式,启动SDL Trados Studio 2017,如下图主界面所示:(2)在SDL Trados Studio 2017中,翻译任务可采用两种方式进行:一种方式适用于翻译单个文档,另一种方式适用于包含一至多个文档的项目包。“...