FORM - 55 Application for approval of an association or institution for purposes of exemption u/s 10(23), or continuance thereof for the year FORM - 56 Application for grant of exemption or continuance thereof u/s 10(23C)(iv) and (v) for the year. FORM - 56A Application for approval...
We are dedicated to helping the community achieving and maintain good health, education, and welfare through commitment in providing excellent service in the area of physical health care, substance abuse, mental health improvement, homeless services, and prevention education. $228.4k-233.6k yearly ...
MinistryofHealthandWelfare 日本卫生福利部 NDA NewDrugApplication 新药申请 NEC NewDrugEntity 新化学实体 NIH NationalInstitutesofHealth 国家卫生研究所(美国) 缩略语 英文全称 中文全称 PI PrincipalInvestigator 主要研究者 PL ProductLicense 产品许可证 PMA Pre-marketApproval(Application) 上市前许可(申请) PSI St...
Maintaining and growing the China-Russia relationship is a strategic choice by the two sides based on the fundamental interests of the two peoples. It is also what we must do to keep pace with the trend of the world. ...
The goal is to offer nutritious, affordable and accessible welfare meals for seniors, aimed at building a comprehensive and reasonable meal service network for the elderly that covers urban and rural areas. The plan envisions that by...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an urgent evacuation method for tenants using an elevator in a social welfare institution or the like that allows all of bedridden tenants and wheel-chaired tenants to be transferred into the elevator efficiently and to be carried to a rooftop reliably in short...
SNF Canada ensures that all environmental laws, regulations and codes of conduct are complied with. In all of our activities our mandate is to: Conceivesafe, new, and efficient technologies which respect the environment Reducethe environmental footprint of our production ...
While thinking about the question, we came across a recently published article by Charles Jones and Peter Klenow, which proposes an interesting new measure of economic welfare. While by no means perfect, it is considerably more comprehensive than average income, taking into account not only growth...
It also states that : [i]n performing their work, Competent Persons should strive to protect the natural environment and ensure that the consequences of their work do not adversely affect the safety, health and welfare of themselves, colleagues and members of the Public. (CRIRSCO 2006: 36). ...
Arts and Sciences, a Fellow of the Econometric Society, a Game Theory Society Fellow, and an Economic Theory Fellow, and his other honors include the von Neumann Award of the Rajk Laszlo College, a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Social Choice and Welfare Prize, and the B.E.Press Arrow Prize....