Submission to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee Joint Submission on Draft guidance on new Code items 15 and 16 Submission on Australia’s expansion of its tax treaty network Bankruptcy: what changes could improve outcomes for a debtor and their creditors? CA ANZ & CPA Australia submiss...
Seriously, though, Dems, here’s the definition of Justice Amy Coney Barrett: “It’s what you get when lose elections for the White House and the Senate.” If you really want the next woman Justice to be a worthy progressive successor to the legacy of RBG and a “soul mate” for Jus...
•Louisiana: A state Senate committee passed a plan for redistricting its own lines last Thursday; a vote by the full body could come this week. Notably, the new map increases the number of majority-minority districts from 10 to 11.Things are delayedon the House side, though. ...
Feinstein has been on the Senate Intelligence Committee since 2001. … a staffer for Senator Feinstein turned out to be a Chinese spy who reported back to the government officials about local politics. Somehow, I don’t see reports on local politics as likely to be at ...
White House senior adviser Stephen Miller, a former Sessions aide in the Senate, was the architect of Trump’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy. Then-White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly said in 2018 that the children taken would be “taken care of — put into foster care or ...
June 8, 2010, when Proposition 14 was approved, excepting only the United States president and county central committee offices,[336] all candidates in the primary elections are listed on the ballot with their preferred party affiliation, but they are not the official nominee of that party.[337...
This is just a tiny sampling of the out-of-state one-percenters that are piling into the Georgia Senate race. CNN reported on December 8 that these Senate races may result in historic ad spending, writing: “The twin races have drawn staggerin...
, 69, was one of a handful of GOP congressmembers running in more purple districts this year voting in support of a marriage equality act, despite his track record of voting against same-sex marriage. The federal bill now awaits an expected vote in the coming weeks by the U.S. Senate....
SD-Gov(R): Lt. Gov. Dennis Daugaard easily sowed up the Republican gubernatorial nomination with 50% of the vote in a five-person field. He’ll face state Senate Minority Leader Scott Scott Heidepriem in November. (JL) SD-AL(R): This was always a hard race to fit into the usual Re...
Adam Green, Co-Founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and a major supporter of Rep. Katie Porter, had harsh words for Rep. Adam Schiff's strategy in the California Senate race. “Adam Schiff put his own selfishness above democracy by lifting up Republican Steve Garvey, ...