(Bonus: Kamala Harris leads Steve Cooley 35-34 in the AG race, and “no” leads “yes” on Prop 19 55-40) •CA-Sen, CA-Gov(SurveyUSA for KABC): Barbara Boxer (D-inc) 45%, Carly Fiorina (R) 40%; Jerry Brown (D) 46%, Meg Whitman (R) 38% ...
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We’ve got some notable down-ballot results to hold you over. Let’s start with Alabama's 2nd District — the court-created district to give Black Alabamans more voting power in the state — where Democrats Shomari Figures, a former DOJ official, and state House Minority Leader An...
Voting is open now, and will continue through Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017. Results will be published in Bakersfield Life Magazine later this year. Each voter must supply a valid email address to participate. One entry from each user’s email address per category every day, will be accepted. ...
These voting results from a panel of experts in advanced prostate cancer can help clinicians and patients to navigate controversial areas of management for which high-level evidence is scant. However, diagnostic and treatment decisions ...
Supervisor Rodriguez would not quietly vote to absolve the County or the em- ployees of responsibility, by voting on a resolution stating that there was no fraud or negligence on the part of the County or the employees. Several tried to explain that the Board was not absolving the criminal ...
Travelers Prop. Cas. Co. Date: September 13, 2016 Docket Number: 16-5143 Phillips v. Snyder Date: September 12, 2016 Docket Number: 15-2394 Justia Opinion Summary: When the finances of a Michigan municipality or public school system are in jeopardy, state law, the Local Financial ...
Will Top-Two Primary Provide Typical Wacky Results? With less than a week to go before voting closes in California’s June primary, political insiders’ attention is riveted on the endless range of possible outcomes that are a function of the three-dimensional political chess game we call the ...
The official state voting guide’sanalysisdoesn’t estimate how many people would gain housing as a result. But based on Proposition 1’s estimate that $1.8 billion could create about 30,000 apartment units, $2 billion should be able to provide around 33,000 units. ...