Complementary MCQ, Revisionary and Summary Notes All India Ranking, Toppers Mark sheet for each test Discussion of mistakes through Live Videos Choose your Course CA Final CA Inter CA-Foundation CMA Inter (New Course) CMA Final (New Course) CS-Professional (New Course)WHY...
Whether you’re gearing up for CS executive, CA Foundation, or CMA final exams, we offer a wide array of resources such as CA Foundation law lectures, CA inter law notes, and CA Foundation test series. Our expert faculty and online coaching classes for CMA final make us a top choice for...
inter-State supply, intra-State supply, supplies in territorial waters; Charge of tax including reverse charge; Classification; Exemption from tax; Place of supply; Time of Supply; Value of supply; Input tax credit; Computation of GST liability ...
一个12万行数据的英文文档,里面包含常用的英文单词。 2.2 一些概念 编辑距离: 两个词之间的编辑距离定义为使用了几次插入(在词中插入一个单字母), 删除(删除一个单字母), 交换(交换相邻两个字母), 替换(把一个字母换成另一个)的操作从一个词变到另一个词. 正常来说把一个元音拼成另一个的概率要大于辅音...
附加保险 additional reserve 追加准备金 adjustable policy 可调整的保险单 adjustable premium 可调整的保险费 adjusted debit balance 已调整的借方余 额 advance payment of premium 预缴保险 费 advance-decline theory 涨跌理论 adverse exchange 逆汇、逆汇兑 advice of drawing 提款通知书 advising bank 通知银行 ...
应付账款周转 Accounts receivable应收账款 Accounts receivable turnover 应收账款周转 Accrual accounting 权责发生制会计 Accruals 应计项目 Accrued payables 应付款项 Accumulated depreciation累计折旧 Activity method 作业方法 Activity ratios 作业比率 Actuary 精算师,精算 Additional paid-in capital 资本公积 ...
notes 会计差错更正 Correction of accounting errors 成本法 Cost method 主营业务成本 Cost of sales from principal activities 贷 Credit 货币计量 Currency measurement 流动资产 Current assets 流动负债 Current liabilities 借 Debit 债务重组 Debt restructuring 递延收益 Deferred income 递延所得税 Deferred tax ...
付诸实践 carry out 执行;实现 gain 获得 accumulate 积累 gradually 逐渐地 make a progress 取得进步 theory 理论 action 行动 would rather…than 比起……更情愿…… stand by 袖手旁观 句式拓展 1.For some people, watching what happens to others is goodenough to learn a lesson, while for others, ...
mutual nationwide recognition, of electronic licenses and certificates, and ensure more government services are accessible online and on cellphone applications with the need for only one application process. this year, high-demand government services shoul...
achieve inter connectivity Greater efforts for placement of our More than 1000 (Maximum number of students) of our newly qualified students were placed during the year members in 50 leading corporates throughout the Country through Campus Interviews. To facilitate Council working with better Achieved ...