Our Toppers (CA-Final and IPCC/ Inter) GM Test Series is proud to have more than 35 Rank Holders and has taught more than 63000 students in a short span of 5 years. We celebrate the success of our Rankers and all the other students and will keep motivating and helping our students ach...
Download IPCC Mock Test Papers with Suggested Answers for May 2023 from this blog. Mock Test paper is a mock or imaginary test paper where marks are not counted but it only serves as practice for future exams and so that you can set a grade for yourself and accordingly plan your studies....
ICAI Inter Study Material for May 2023 and November 2023examinations Sec-A: Income-tax Law Module-1 Initial Pages Chapter 1: Basic Concepts Chapter 2: Residence and Scope of Total Income Chapter 3: Incomes which do not form part of Total Income ...
Beat perception is increasingly being recognised as a fundamental musical ability. A number of psychometric instruments have been developed to assess this ability, but these tests do not take advantage of modern psychometric techniques, and rarely receiv
一个12万行数据的英文文档,里面包含常用的英文单词。 2.2 一些概念 编辑距离: 两个词之间的编辑距离定义为使用了几次插入(在词中插入一个单字母), 删除(删除一个单字母), 交换(交换相邻两个字母), 替换(把一个字母换成另一个)的操作从一个词变到另一个词. ...
Inter Registration and Exams –Registration for Intermediate is made in the month of March and September for which exams are held in the month of November and May. Validity –The validity for registration is for 5 years and you can re-validate only once in CA intermediate level. ...
suggesting that it may be valuable as a tool for assessing and monitoring scratching, inter-cat cohabitation, urine marking, and fear in cats. The CABIAS could be used by veterinarians and behaviourists to assess these problem behaviours in individual cats and monitor responses to treatment. The...