Test Papers (RTPs) for the forthcoming Examinations of CA Intermediate (IPC) Course. CA Institute comes out with RTP for each attempt of CA Intermediate (IPC) Exams i.e. twice a year apart from various other educational inputs like Study Materials, Practice Manual, and Suggested Answers etc....
CA Inter MTP Series-I and Series-II Sept 2024:You may download CA Intermediate MTP with solution. CA Inter Mock Test Paper for September 2024 Exams with solution. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) conducts mock tests series-I and series-II for CA Inter students appearing...
CA IPCC/Inter Mock Test Papers – Download PDF Download IPCC Mock Test Papers with Suggested Answers for May 2023 from this blog. Mock Test paper is a mock or imaginary test paper where marks are not counted but it only serves as practice for future exams and so that you can set a ...
After correcting for equipment latency, canonical beat locations were established by averaging within each drummer the two recordings with the smallest difference in mean inter-tap interval and then averaging across drummers. Eight excerpts were rejected for low consistency within drummers (phase ...
Because no major differences in milk yield or chemical composition were observed in relation to any of the treatments (data not shown), and possible inter- or intraindividual variations of these parameters were zeroed by normalization of the data, this increase from the basal level indicates that...
However, top managers may have greater influences from specific types of institutional pressures, such as government regulations, customers' needs or competitors' strategies. Therefore, their support can vary in response to each different type of institutional pressure. In this regard, this paper ...
For each multiple-choice question, there are four suggested answers marked [A] , [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. Historians tend to date the birth of modern capitalism to the late sixteenth and early seventeen centuries, but to understand wh...
At the AYA workshop, the refined version of the inter- vention, based on a multi-disciplinary team rather than a single professional, received much appreciation. Addi- tionally, the AYA workshop contributed another impor- tant refinement of the intervention, namely, designing the intervention as...
the researchers stimulated a subset of time cell neurons that were activated in response to an image. The firing activity of each neuron was modeled as a function of time, image identity, and whether the temporal period corresponded to an...
未成年人保护中心的社会工作者在走访中了解到,困境儿童小强因为厌学已经两个多月没去上学了,父母的态度是“孩子大了不服管,随他去吧”。向小强及其父母介绍了未成年人保护中心的服务内容,他们表示愿意接受服务。从服务对象的来源和类型上看,小强属于( )。