(CA19–9 at baseline) Abbreviations: KPS, Karnofsky Performance Status; IQR, Inter Quartile Range ‡ This chemothrapy regimen is a phase II clincial trial conducted in our institute (NCT02124317) By median value 1365 U/ml for baseline CA19–9, both PFS and OS were inferior for patients ...
Interalia OWL-BB Battery Backup Module Kit Interface Tech SR5010 INTERFACE; OPERATOR TOUCHSCREEN 9IN 240VAC; .46/.85A - 2711-T9A5 INTERMEC 9180C01 NSPP 9180C01 INTERMEC 9181C02 USPP 9181C02 INTERMEC CV60C13AC4001803 USPP CV60C13AC4001803 INTERMEC T2455 NSFP T2455 INTERMEC T2455B01504504...
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"removecredentials-submit": "Remober credenciales", "gotointerwiki": "Salindo de {{SITENAME}}", "skin-view-create-local": "Poner çcriçon lhocal", "nstab-mainpage": "Páigina percipal", "skin-action-protect": "Porteger", "skin-action-delete": "Botar fuora", "skin-act...
CA Foundation Pass Percentage - ICAI will publish the pass percentage for the CA Foundation for the January session along with its result. Candidates can check passing criteria, previous year marks and more details here.
High-resolution intersubject averaging and a coordinate system for the cortical surface. Hum Brain Mapp 1999; 8: 272–284. 44 Fischl B, Salat DH, van der Kouwe AJW, Makris N, Ségonne F, Quinn BT et al. Sequence-independent segmentation of magnetic resonance images. Neuro- image 2004; ...
Outer.method().show():当Outer类调用静态的method方法运算结束后的结果又调用了show方法,意味着:method()方法运算完一个是对象,而且这个对象是Inter类型的。 */ function (new Inter(){ publicvoid show(){} }); //匿名内部类作为方法的参数进行传递。
J.W. Bossolani, E. Lazarini, F.L. dos Santos, I.R. Sanches, H.H.A. Meneghette, L.F. Parra, L.G.M. Souza Surface reapplication of lime and gypsum on maize cultivated sole and intercropped with Urochloa Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 49 (15) (2018), pp. 18...
\n* Firefox / Safari: Shift tugmasini bosgan holda, Yangilash unsurlar darchasini bosing, yoki Ctrl-F5 yoki Ctrl-R (Macda ⌘-R) ni bosing\n* Google Chrome: Ctrl-Shift-R (Macda ⌘-Shift-R) ni bosing\n* Internet Explorer / Edge: Ctrlni bosgan holda, Yangilashni bosing, ...
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