Individuals who enjoy learning and data processing, are good problem solvers, and have a strong work ethic will excel in the stock market analyst sector. Students can pursue aBBA (Bachelor of Business Administration),MBA (Master of Business Administration),M.Stat (Master of Statistics)to opt for...
Indrani Medhi Thies is a Researcher in the Technology for Emerging Markets group at Microsoft Research in Bangalore, India. She currently sits with MSRNE. Her research interests are in the area of User Interfaces, User Experience Design, and ICTs for Global Development. Over the years, Indrani’...
Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to WorkbyPaul BabiakandRobert D. Hareis marketed and mostly reviewed as a business book on the problem of psychopathy in the workplace. For example MSNBC’s excerpt, coordinated with the authors’ appearance on the Today Show, is headlined...