This bill would apply the above exemption from rent control to a mobilehome located on a space within a mobilehome park that is not the homeowner’s principal residence without regard to whether the homeowner has rented the mobilehome to another party, except as specified. The bill would also...
9.A homeowner who regularly borrowed garden tools from his neighbor went to the neighbor's house ...
This bill also adds the Department of Justice, the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration, and the Franchise Tax Board to JESF, and authorizes the Department of Motor Vehicles and California Highway Patrol and other agencies to serve JESF in an advisory capacity. The bill authorizes...
银饰可能很快就会发黑,所以经常佩戴纯银饰品,可以有助体内毒素排出。 银作为饰品来说,漂亮时尚美丽,重要的是对身体没有副作用。银可以检测许多毒素能发生化学反应,会变色,也可以和其它重金属发生反应而检查出对身体有害的物质,所以身体不好的人带银饰品是会变黑的。当然这还有待科学验证。