“If you receive a questionable solicitation, contact FTB immediately and talk to a live agent to review your account,” said State Controller and FTB Chair John Chiang. “Taxpayers should protect their personal information and treat any unsolicited phone calls or emails with caution.” Police have...
Entity Name 企业名称 CRAFT SOLUTIONS, INC. Entity Number 企业注册号 3821375 Tax ID 税号 - Status 企业状态 Forfeited - FTB Formation / Incorporation Date 成立日期 - Registered Capital 注册资本 - Paid Capital 实缴资本 - Entity Type 企业类型 Stock Corporation - Out of State - Stock QCC Code 企...
phonenumber - string verified - boolean origin - string external_id - string created or meta.created - date lastmodified or meta.lastmodified - date version or meta.version - number The following column names can be used for querying a group id - string, UUID of the group displayname - st...
softball [?s?ftb??l] n. soil [s??l]n. solar [?s??l?(r)]a. soldier [?s??ld??(r)] n. solid [?s?l?d] a. N some [s?m] a. Pron. somebody [?s?mb?d?; ?s?mb?d?] pron. someone [?s?mw?n] pron. something [?s?mθ??] pron. sometimes[?s?mta?mz] ad. ...
Over 32 million people visit FTB's website each year for tax information and forms (more than 24 million forms are downloaded anually). If people can't find what they"re looking for online, they often phone the call center, which handles 2.3 million inquiries yearly. ...