Determining a minimum scar size will define the severity of stand damage; larger scars result in a longer time until closure. However, counting all the smaller scars that result from CTL harvesting will result in a large number of counted damaged trees. Therefore, we suggest that scars smaller...
Controlled Burns: Conducting controlled burns under controlled conditions and expert supervision can reduce fuel buildup and create firebreaks, thus mitigating the severity of potential wildfires. Public Education and Awareness: Educating the public about fire prevention, responsible behavior in forests, and...
More information about the Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity Data can be found here: MTBS Indicator 8: Portion of total area at high risk of fire This Wildfire Hazard Potential map illustrates the level of calculated risk of fire, and it can provide important guidance for fire mitigation. As ...
Severity. The consequence or impact of a hazard in terms of degree of loss or harm. SAFETY POLICY. See Safety Management System. SAFETY PROMOTION. See Safety Management System. SAFETY RISK. See Safety Management System. SAFETY RISK CONTROL. See Safety Management System. ...