“Do NOT RESUSCITATE”的纹身字句 因为该名昏倒男子身上未有身份证明 院方也就无法联络病人家属 加上病人胸口印有 DNR 的纹身字句 和一个相信属于患者本人的签署 最终,医生依照男子纹身内容,顺应他的意愿 放弃急救,男子于当晚去世 用纹...
没有生前预嘱的病人,缓和医疗团队会和他们讨论这些内容,达成共识后,会在病历里签署"不实施心肺复苏”的预嘱(DNR form, Do Not Resuscitate), 这样在病人病情恶化的时候,所有医护人员都能了解到病人的这一愿望,避免不必要的人为干预和抢救损伤。 对于时日...
Objectives: To study the attitudes of both medical and non-medical students towards the do-not-resuscitate (DNR) decision in a university in Hong Kong, and the factors affecting their attitudes. Methods: A questionnaire-based survey conducted in the campus of a university in Hong Kong. Preferenc...
Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders for Critically III Patients in the Hospital: How Are They Used and What Is Their Impact? We studied compliance with do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders at a university hospital where a DNR protocol has existed since 1979. Documentation of DNR statu......
Fendler, TLi, YSpertus, J AChan, P SFendler T, Li Y, Spertus JA, Chan PS. Defining the association of do-not-attempt-resuscitate orders with patients' likelihood of survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest. Circulation Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2014; 7 Suppl 1:...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook cathect Thesaurus Medical ca·thect (kə-thĕkt′, kă-) tr.v.ca·thect·ed,ca·thect·ing,ca·thects To invest emotional energy in (a person, object, or idea). [Back-formation fromcathexis.] ...
Not enough, but still. And not enough are truly protected, as the city too often pretends that car-tickler plastic bendy posts offer some form of protection from motorists, who can simply drive over them at will. Hopefully, a new mayor and city council will increase funding to LADOT to hi...
The organization loses its ability to be self-aware and cannot diagnose its own sickness and decline. The Death Rattle is where bureaucracies make a final attempt to resuscitate the organization whether by bankruptcy practioners or by being acquired. The organization dies in its present form....
Insights into Chinese perspectives on do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders from an examination of DNR order form completeness for cancer patients. Support Care Cancer. 2013;21(9):2593-8.Wen K-Y, Lin Y-C, Cheng J-F, Chou P-C, Wei C-H, Chen Y-F, et al. Insights into Chinese ...
Several states also have policies that enable the implementation of do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders. 1) assess which states have statutes governing DNR orders for the prehospital setting; 2) determine which states authorize DNR orders in ways other than by specific state statue; and 3) define ...