repudiationofthecontract 不名誉的行为及手法 dishonourableconductandpractices 不能成立 unabletoestablish不时 frequently 不予支持 unassisted 不作为 omission 财产分割 propertiesdivision 财产所有权 propertyright 裁定 ruling 裁定 order 产权制度 propertyorder 产权关系 propertyrelations 撤消并发回给 reversedandremanded...
Justia Opinion Summary: ATF investigated the theft of firearms from Michigan gun dealers, leading to two arrests. Both men admitted trading the stolen firearms with Doxey, in exchange for heroin. Another informant stated that Doxey was a heroin… Star Ins. Co. v. Nat'l Union Fire Ins. Dat...